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Topic: Mapping Q&A (Read 239618 times)
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #140 on:
October 31, 2010, 09:09:33 AM »
Quote from: Fuffe on October 31, 2010, 12:07:23 AM
Could an entity be added, that adds a 2D icon with text on the HUD like the traitor button or the C4. It could, for example, show the traitors where not to walk on a mine field, or on ttt_losttemple it could show the safe pattern in the nail shooter trap, or on some map it could show the traitors where to go at a given time. For convenience, the max distance for the icon to be shown should be specify-able, so they don't clutter the screens when you're not even near it.
Some form of L4D-like hints are pretty high on my list.
Posts: 174
Project Suburb Developer
Reply #141 on:
November 01, 2010, 01:02:39 AM »
Is there a possibility of deactivating and activating player spawns?
I want to use a logic_auto in conjunction with a logic_case to randomize spawn locations every round for players.
If it's non-existent, would it be difficult to code a custom player spawn entity, "Ex: info_player_ttt?" with the ability to enable and disable it?
It's certainly not important, but it could add variation to where players spawn Overall?
Last Edit: November 01, 2010, 01:05:06 AM by Silverstream
Posts: 165
Reply #142 on:
November 01, 2010, 01:41:28 AM »
Hey guys, I wondered if someone could help me out making the 3D skyboxes... I checked all the videos on youtube I could, and the Valve Developper Wiki but I don't understand anything, the 1/16 scale and that stuff... I saw something about lining up the sky_camera but I don't understand.
Could anyone help me please?
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #143 on:
November 01, 2010, 08:45:24 AM »
Spawnpoints are put in a big list. For every player that spawns, the list gets shuffled and every spawnpoint is checked for suitability (if it's blocked, it's not suitable) until a free one is found. Hence, to get randomized spawns, all you need to do is add a ton of spawn entities to the map.
Posts: 174
Project Suburb Developer
Reply #144 on:
November 02, 2010, 04:17:28 AM »
Quote from: EpicBox on November 01, 2010, 01:41:28 AM
Hey guys, I wondered if someone could help me out making the 3D skyboxes... I checked all the videos on youtube I could, and the Valve Developper Wiki but I don't understand anything, the 1/16 scale and that stuff... I saw something about lining up the sky_camera but I don't understand.
Could anyone help me please?
The 1/16 scale represents how large the skybox will render in relation to the playable area.
In the entity "sky_camera" the parameter "3D Skybox scale" is the factor at which the skybox is scaled at.
A 3D skybox is enclosed within a boundary textured with the "tools/toolsskybox" texture.
The reason you need to scale down the Skybox brushwork by (1/16 = 0.0625) is to compensate for the difference in size that will be rendered.
When you scale it down by 1/16 and it renders by a factor of 16 then: 1/16 X 16 = 1. So when rendered, the ratio of brush sizes between the playable area the skybox should be equal.
This is why all objects appear to be the same size when you look at the skybox from within a level, however if you no-clip to the enclosed skybox area, all objects within it will appear to be 16 times smaller.
I'll go ahead and create a simple tutorial if you are having serious trouble creating a functioning 3D skybox.
Have you looked at interlopers.net? Try that.
Posts: 165
Reply #145 on:
November 03, 2010, 05:05:42 PM »
Thanks again, Silver! At least I know that theres one member here that is not a troller. I'm happy I can count on you.
And I understood what you meant, I can create my own 3D skyboxes now! Thanks a lot!
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Posts: 165
Reply #146 on:
November 03, 2010, 09:42:32 PM »
Okay, I'm making a western map, with all that cool style... By the moment, I've got 1 question:
How do I create destroyable buildings, but only destroyable by C4 blast? Because I don't want to make it a func_breakable, the "breakable" animation is lame.
So how do I do this? (Yes, I looked forward on interlopers.net, but didnt found this guide).
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Posts: 174
Project Suburb Developer
Reply #147 on:
November 04, 2010, 12:25:32 AM »
You can create brushes to create your building. Then tie every individual brush to a func_physbox, go to the "flags" window and select the following:
- Don't take physics damage (This will prevent your building from breaking when it blows up. The various "pieces" of your building will move around)
- Motion Disabled
- Start Asleep
Have a small func_breakable brush in the building where players cannot reach and texture it with the "invisible" texture you can find in the /tools directory within the materials browser.
Look at the func_breakables property and ensure the entity can only break by "Blast". Set the HP of the func_breakable to a high value (ex: 300-400).
This would prevent incendiary grenades from destroying it. The C4 Blast should deal a great amount of damage when planted near the building to destroy the func_breakble.
Look into the output of the func_breakable and using the output system do the following:
"OnBreak" -> "Name of the individual func_physbox entities" -> "EnableMotion" -> Delay X.XX
"OnBreak" -> "Name of the individual func_physbox entities" -> "Wake" -> Delay X.XX
Additionally to propel the building pieces when the C4 is blown up, use the "env_physexplosion" entity.
Create a few of these entities within the boundaries of your building to propel the building's func_physboxes.
Ensure you go into the "Flag" properties of the env_physexplosion and select the following Parameters:
- No Damage - Only Force
- Push Players
Add the following output to your func_breakable within your destroyable building:
"OnBreak" -> "Name of your env_physexplosion entities" -> "Explode" -> Delay X.XX
You can add additional outputs for ambient_generics to play various explosion and object sounds.
Just add the following to your func_breakable outputs:
"OnBreak" -> "Name of your ambient_generics" -> "PlaySound" -> Delay X.XX
Go ahead and experiment with your func_physbox mass and object properties.
Also, play around with your env_physexplosion "magnitude" and "radius".
If you want the env_physexplosions to only target and affect your func_physboxes, you can find a parameter called "targetentityname".
Just put in the box the name of your func_physboxes.
This process will probably take a bit of time to get it work out just right.
I hope this helps.
Consulting the "Valve Developer Community" Wiki should give you more detailed information regarding these various entities:
Posts: 165
Reply #148 on:
November 04, 2010, 01:45:04 AM »
okay... SWEET. I never though someone could give me a tutorial about this. Silverstream, you're the best.
The only problems I found here are:
- The invisible brush (brekable one) could be shot by the players, but I could just put the brush somewhere where the players cant reach it or see it.
- The C4 would need to hit the brush, so we can do 2 things here: Players should put the C4 in a place where it WOULD hit the brush, or I could just make the brush big enough so its obvious that the C4 would hit it.
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Posts: 174
Project Suburb Developer
Reply #149 on:
November 04, 2010, 03:04:36 AM »
First off, to prevent players from damaging the func_breakable entirely (whether it be by shooting, crowbars etc.) do the following:
1. Put an entity called "filter_damage_type" into your map, preferably next to your func_breakable for easy access.
(I generally put common entities near each other in case I need to modify them later)
2. In the filter_damage_type, look for the parameter "Name" and call it "c4only".
Next, look for the parameter "Damage Type". A bunch of choices will be made available to you. Choose "Blast".
3. Finally, go to your func_breakable and look for the parameter "Damage Filter". Put the name "c4only" into that field.
This will allow only the "Blast" form of damage to damage the func_breakable.
This form of damage can only be inflicted by either a C4 exploding or incendiary grenade when it blows up.
Secondly, I suppose if you form an area in your building where you leave a small empty inaccessible gap between a few walls, you can
put your func_breakable there. Try to have the empty gap where you place your func_breakable in the center of your building.
This would allow for a greater success for C4's to damage it regardless of where they are planted within the building.
Thirdly, there is a possibility using the "lua_run" entity to have it recognize whether a c4 has been detonated within a trigger.
I however, have no experience with LUA, but I'm sure there are a few community members here with some knowledge of it.
You could try contacting BKU but he is most likely preoccupied with a number of projects.
Personally, if you are unable to accomplish having the func_breakable working properly, I would highly suggest you try contacting BKU or
create a thread specifically regarding LUA help from the community members. Additionally create a thread at interlopers.net
They help tremendously when it comes to map designing and entity work.
This seems like it could work out nicely both visually and game-play wise.
I hope this helps.
Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 03:09:39 AM by Silverstream
Posts: 165
Reply #150 on:
November 04, 2010, 06:27:57 PM »
Sweet. Thanks again.
I don't know how can I help you, you already helped me like 10 times, maybe more.
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Posts: 165
Reply #151 on:
November 05, 2010, 05:33:03 PM »
Okay, I've got another question (please don't hate me). How do I create a traitor checker? This is how I want it to be:
Players enter an area. The "tester" presses a button. If the player in that area is an innocent, nothing happens. If it is a traitor, he dies. How do I do this?
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Posts: 128
Crummycradle was a mistake
Reply #152 on:
November 06, 2010, 03:55:50 PM »
Quote from: EpicBox on November 05, 2010, 05:33:03 PM
Okay, I've got another question (please don't hate me). How do I create a traitor checker? This is how I want it to be:
Players enter an area. The "tester" presses a button. If the player in that area is an innocent, nothing happens. If it is a traitor, he dies. How do I do this?
If you haven't already, download the map examples and check the entities guide. It's all here: http://ttt.badking.net/mapping-guide
Then as an output you can make whoever triggers the traitor trigger die by making them sethealth 0.
Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 03:58:20 PM by Fuffe
Build Tester
Posts: 3733
Reply #153 on:
November 06, 2010, 05:12:06 PM »
Quote from: Fuffe on November 06, 2010, 03:55:50 PM
Then as an output you can make whoever triggers the traitor trigger die by making them sethealth 0.
Wouldn't that involve using a point_clientcommand which is purposely disabled in Garry's Mod.
1200+ hours in Source SDK, and the Source engine is still a mystery.
Quote from: Dinner
The first time you see him he comes onto you so hard.
Posts: 165
Reply #154 on:
November 06, 2010, 05:26:32 PM »
Oh yeah, forgot about the example. Thanks.
There's 3 things I hate: <br />People that hates people.<br />People that hates the haters.<br />And people that hates the haters of the haters.
Posts: 174
Project Suburb Developer
Reply #155 on:
November 06, 2010, 05:33:08 PM »
Quote from: Fuffe on November 06, 2010, 03:55:50 PM
If you haven't already, download the map examples and check the entities guide. It's all here: http://ttt.badking.net/mapping-guide
Then as an output you can make whoever triggers the traitor trigger die by making them sethealth 0.
Why not just encase the trigger with a separate trigger_hurt that deals 100 damage upon enabling it?
Have a player enter into a capsule or some form of a tester. When a button is pressed to start the testing, have a door or pair of doors block off the capsule to prevent
and other players from entering it.
If the player within the capsule is found to be a traitor, have a trigger_hurt kill him, otherwise the trigger remains disabled.
The doors to the capsule should open and a different player can be tested.
I will warn you though, a lot of players feel the traitor testing concept can be too cheap. Players can enter it and prove their innocence thus narrowing down the
number of possible players as traitors.
I would highly suggest you either limit the number of testings possible within a round or include some form of an objective to allow the tester to be usable (Ex: Battery needed, Turn on Power, etc.).
You can additionally use the traitor testing concept to only allow traitors to enter into certain areas within your map. An example of this is the traitor trap areas within ttt_lost_temple.
Posts: 128
Crummycradle was a mistake
Reply #156 on:
November 07, 2010, 09:08:43 PM »
Quote from: Citizen_001 on November 06, 2010, 05:12:06 PM
Wouldn't that involve using a point_clientcommand which is purposely disabled in Garry's Mod.
Now that you mention it, I think it works in sandbox but not in TTT for some reason. As SilverStream said, a trigger_hurt is the way to go.
On another note, how am I supposed to use the 'Start constrained' flag on the TTT weapons? I figured they'd just spawn frozen/unmoveable but instead they spawn unfrozen just like normal weapons. Am I supposed to use actual phys_constrains?
Build Tester
Posts: 3733
Reply #157 on:
November 07, 2010, 09:15:09 PM »
Quote from: Fuffe on November 07, 2010, 09:08:43 PM
Am I supposed to use actual phys_constrains?
Pretty much.
1200+ hours in Source SDK, and the Source engine is still a mystery.
Quote from: Dinner
The first time you see him he comes onto you so hard.
Posts: 128
Crummycradle was a mistake
Reply #158 on:
November 07, 2010, 10:47:50 PM »
Quote from: Citizen_001 on November 07, 2010, 09:15:09 PM
Pretty much.
Wouldn't you be able to do that without the flag though? Not really done much with constrains yet.
Build Tester
Posts: 3733
Reply #159 on:
November 07, 2010, 11:07:03 PM »
Quote from: Fuffe on November 07, 2010, 10:47:50 PM
Wouldn't you be able to do that without the flag though? Not really done much with constrains yet.
The flag doesn't do anything. At least not in multiplayer games.
1200+ hours in Source SDK, and the Source engine is still a mystery.
Quote from: Dinner
The first time you see him he comes onto you so hard.
Zombie Master
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Mapping Q&A
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