Avoid this server at all costs. At the end of the round, when it was just me (traitor), another traitor, and one innocent (admin) left (and five other admins on the server spectating), I was BANNED (along with my traitor teammate) for "Asshole." Apparently the admins were too fucking stupid to understand that I might be killing people BECAUSE I WAS A TRAITOR. Their clan tag is {VTX}. I did nothing assholish and had no conflict with the admins, so it was definitely because they thought I was RDMing or something. Even though I was a traitor. They also cry RDM every 3 seconds and perma-ban at the slightest provocation without even asking anyone what happened.
Hello bat sauce, I think you are a liar and you were banned for a legitimate reason. Vortex is an old community with many admins, and we just recently created a TTT server. We do know how the game works.
Vortex is more of a community then a clan and does not have a clan tag. The {VTX} tag is worn by admins only.
If you were unfairly banned by an admin please understand that not all our admins are like that, and you should request to be unbanned.
You may request to be unbanned at the Vortex forum http://www.clanvortex.com/forum/index.php
I am not a Vortex admin, just a member of the Vortex community.