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Latest release thread: downloads and changelogs
Topic: Latest release thread: downloads and changelogs (Read 180859 times)
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #40 on:
February 20, 2010, 04:26:33 PM »
- Overhauled Weapon Examiner detective equipment, turning it into a
DNA sampler
* Collect DNA samples from players, and from loose weapons/items.
* Test if a player sample and item sample match to find out if that player used the item.
* Items such as knives in corpses and defused C4 all have DNA of the traitor who used them on it. Radios do not.
* Traitors can avoid being discovered by hiding the evidence and preventing detectives with samplers from getting close to them (which they need to be in order to collect a sample from a player).
* The DNA sampler can only hold 5 human samples at once for balance reasons. The limit on samples from items is 25, for technical reasons. These limits are separate from each other, you can have 5 players and 25 item samples in there.
- Detectives now receive credit reward upon traitor death, and therefore do not have to find the corpse.
- Optimised icon filesize significantly (roughly 150KB in total) by removing excess data from VTFs (unused auto-generated thumbnails and mipmaps).
Trouble in Terrorist Town v200210
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #41 on:
February 22, 2010, 06:12:34 PM »
- Added
, a Detective item:
* Powerful zooming, four levels of zoom.
* Can perform body searches at long range: aim at a corpse, click, and hold your aim on the corpse for a few seconds.
* Long range search works exactly like normal search, the body is identified and a search result window is shown.
- Removed Teleporter from the Detective equipment choices. It is now Traitor-only.
- Removed Footstep Scanner because it was useless due to technical limitations.
- Added an icon only shown for Detectives to the target ID of corpses, when they have been searched by a Detective already.
- Added hint text only shown for Traitors or Detectives to target ID of corpses that have unspent credits on them, so players know to search those and get the goods.
- Searching a Detective's corpse will now show him as detective in the death confirmation message and in the body search results, instead of showing as innocent.
- Fixed Detective's name being green instead of blue in his Last Words.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v220210
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #42 on:
February 23, 2010, 07:39:07 PM »
- Added tips about the game to the spectator interface, highlighting both introductory information and gameplay subtleties players may not be aware of.
They cycle automatically, or you can switch through them manually. To do so, unlock the mouse by pressing crouch (ctrl) while you're not spectating a player/prop. Then you can click the buttons to see the prev/next tip and hide the tips panel. It can also be permanently disabled via the F1 settings menu. You can also cycle through tips using the mousewheel.
Super-low resolutions like 640x480 will never see tips: it just doesn't fit, so they get hidden.
- The Beacon equipment now allows you to place 3 beacons before you run out. They can be picked up again to refill your "ammo".
- Fixed Radar not showing the distances to lifesigns.
- Fixed Binoculars allowing players to collect unspent credits from corpses from far away. These credits can now only be gotten by doing a normal body search up close.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v230210
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #43 on:
February 25, 2010, 07:07:43 PM »
- DNA Sampler now displays more information on HUD about the crosshair target, including an ID number. This ID is also shown in the tooltips of collected item samples. You can use this to determine whether a certain sample is from a certain gun.
- DNA Sampler can now retrieve dead player's DNA from their corpse.
- Improved DNA Sampler's message about number of samples collected from a weapon. It only displayed the number of new samples it found, but did not tell you that, which was confusing. Now it states the number of new samples collected more clearly, and also notes the number of samples it ignored because you already have them (so you know if someone used the weapon since last time you checked).
- Fixed DNA Sampler's matches of item samples to players going out of sync after removing an item.
- Fixed DNA Sampler showing a green crosshair over items that can not have DNA samples on them, like ammo boxes. It will now be red as it should.
- Added ttt_logic_role entity for mappers. Can be used to test the role (detective/innocent/traitor) of the !activator. It's in the FGD, so see documentation of the fields in Hammer for info on how to use it. The included ttt_traitorchecker.vmf example map also includes an example of it.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v250210
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Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 07:09:58 PM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #44 on:
February 27, 2010, 07:14:34 PM »
- Made cursor hide itself when player closes the tips window, if he had unhidden the cursor to do so.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v270210
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Those with a trained eye will notice this is a very small update. I just wanted to have that final tweak in the version I will submit to the Fretta contest tomorrow. Probably the last update for a while until I decide whether I will be releasing any more at all.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #45 on:
February 28, 2010, 01:10:41 PM »
- Fixed dead Detectives searching bodies showing the results on the scoreboard of all living players, which of course should only work for living Detectives.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v280210
Changes in directories:
Note that the primary mirror originally used to host releases is down. You can get them from
the site
instead (via the "Attachment" links under the post of each version) or from moddb.
Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 01:17:26 PM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #46 on:
April 24, 2010, 06:24:55 PM »
- Health Station and Beacon can now only be bought once per round.
- Health Station rebalanced: can no longer be carried, and slowly recharges its healing points.
- After dropping a gun or throwing a grenade, you will now always switch to the Holstered weapon as opposed to your previous gun (which could be a traitor weapon).
- The "Search for unspent credits" hint now only appears for Traitors/Detectives when they are near a corpse.
- Fixed certain entities appearing to teleport when pushed.
- Fixed scoreboard breaking when ttt_sherlock_mode was 0.
- Fixed Lua error when non-player killed a player. Had no gameplay effects.
- Fixed "Search for unspent credits" hint showing for spectators.
- Fixed DNA Sampler not behaving properly when used by a non-detective player. Also made minor tweaks to prevent Lua errors when dealing with bad data.
- Quadrupled knife damage to make sure it is always sufficient to kill (regardless of Karma settings or other damage modifications).
- Fixed the player vote indicators of the Fretta end-of-round vote not appearing after the first round.
- Weapons can only be picked up using the Magneto Stick from short range, because at longer ranges it could be used to induce unfixable physics crashes. Weapon carrying can be disabled entirely using ttt_weapon_carrying (def. 1), and the range can be configured using ttt_weapon_carrying_range (def. 50).
- Added informative warning in server console when CS:S does not appear to be mounted.
- Added ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep (def. 0). If set to 1, disables grenade throwing during the preparation phase.
- Added fire graphics fallback for people who cannot see fire due to their old videocard. Must be enabled manually in the client settings tab of the F1 menu.
- Added entry in the round report and serverlog when someone picks up credits from a corpse.
- Special equipment is now much more modular, making it easier to create and share. All relevant values can be set in the SWEP script, making installation of extra equipment simply a case of putting the .lua file(s) in the right place. See /entities/weapons/weapon_tttbase/shared.lua for documentation on the stuff you should specify in your custom bomb belts and explosive puppy SWEPs.
- Released under open source license. This means you are now legally allowed to distribute modified versions of the gamemode as long as you include the /gamemodes/terrortown/LICENSE.txt file.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v240410
Changes in directories:
There are quite a few changes, so there might be a couple more releases in the future. These will focus on bugfixing and (if necessary) balance, without large changes.
Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 06:27:59 PM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #47 on:
April 28, 2010, 10:11:31 AM »
- Disabled automatic mapswitching when in Fretta mode (ie. fretta_voting = 1), as they often won't have a mapcycle.txt. These servers can still enable mapswitching by enabling ttt_always_use_mapcycle (default 0). On servers with fretta_voting disabled TTT will always use the mapcycle, so nothing changes for those. Readme has been updated with this stuff.
- Prepared weapons for small SWEP changes in upcoming gmod update.
- Fixed weapons with classnames that did not start with weapon_zm or weapon_ttt getting removed immediately if a player got one.
- Fixed weapons needing a unique WeaponID number to show up in body searches and such. If you have set a WeaponID in one of your SWEPs to work around this issue, you should remove it now.
- Made it possible to use a model-based icon (think standard gmod spawn buttons) for the equipment menu. See weapon_tttbase for documentation. Not really tested this, you should make an icon instead using the below.
- Added template .psd file in the /terrortown/template/ directory. Use to create your own icons in the same style as the standard TTT ones. You'll have to figure out how to export to VTF with the right settings yourself (it's not hard, use the included VTFs as example). I might make a tutorial sometime.
- Added documentation in weapon_tttbase about configuring things so that ttt_random_weapon will include the SWEP in its list of randomly created weapons. An easy way of getting a normal (non-traitor/detective) weapon into the game on many maps.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v280410
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #48 on:
May 05, 2010, 04:56:28 PM »
- Now forcing mp_friendlyfire to 1 so that lag compensation works properly. GMod's default value was changed to 0, causing a lack of lagcomp when shooting other terrorists (who are technically on the same team, hence friendly fire).
- Fixed weapons not explicitly deriving from GMod's weapon_base.
Trouble in Terrorist Town v050510
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Known issues:
Reload animations won't work properly. This is a bug in gmod that will be fixed in an upcoming update, hopefully soon.
Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 04:58:38 PM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #49 on:
May 13, 2010, 10:36:33 AM »
Version 13-05-10:
- Fixed breakage from GMod update 80:
* Fixed Lua error due to Fretta changes, the error prevented some code from loading, causing random things to break (round report, karma, etc)
* Workaround for panel transparency via SetAlpha being broken. Icons in equipment menu should now darken properly again when you can't buy the item.
- Improved behaviour when buying equipment in locations on the map where the game can't spawn the weapon for you. It will now keep retrying until you move to a non-glitched spot and get the weapon.
- Fixed equipment control panels for Radar and Disguise not showing up in the Equipment Menu after buying them.
- Removed beep sound from Beacons.
- Added experimental dynamic round time mode via ttt_haste (def. 0):
* Round time starts out at ttt_haste_starting_minutes (def. 5)
* Every death increases the amount of time by ttt_haste_minutes_per_death (def. 0.5)
* Keeps pressure on traitors to do things, but innocents can see when someone dies by looking at the round time.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 13-05-10
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #50 on:
May 15, 2010, 09:16:11 AM »
Version 15-05-10:
- Improved time display in Haste Mode. Innocents now can't tell when deaths happen by looking at their clock, there's a label to tell you when Haste Mode is on, and some other small tweaks.
- List of kills now also appears on the bodies of non-traitors who killed people.
- Replaced DNA Sampler with the more powerful DNA Scanner:
* Get DNA samples (eg. from dropped weapons) and hit Scan to find the current location of the player whose DNA it is.
* DNA Scanner must be fully charged to perform a scan, and if the target is far away it drains more energy and you must wait longer to recharge.
* Corpses carry a DNA sample of the killer, if the killer was close to the victim when shooting/stabbing. The further away, the faster the DNA sample disappears.
* The presence of Killer DNA is shown in the body search results, including time until it decays.
* Can only be bought once per Detective. If he dies/drops it, innocents can use it (and so can traitors!).
* All in all, Traitors would be wise to exercise more care in what clues they leave behind for Detectives to find.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 15-05-10
Readme file includes descriptions of Haste Mode convars (search for "ttt_haste") and Killer DNA convars (search for "ttt_killer_dna").
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #51 on:
May 16, 2010, 02:39:12 PM »
Version 16-05-10:
- Fixed DNA Scanner result indicator showing for all players rather than only the player who performed the scan.
- Changed Haste Mode time display to prevent social exploits, now works as follows:
* When overtime starts, innocents no longer see any timer, only the text "overtime".
* Before overtime, traitors see the same timer innocents see in white, blinking to the real timer that includes time added due to deaths, which is shown in red.
* During overtime, traitors see the real time (still in red), blinking to "overtime" (so they know not to tell innocents the time).
- Made search result descriptions scroll when necessary (eg. long kill lists)
- Made disconnected players show up in kill lists as "<disconnected>" rather than not at all.
- Added clientside Lua hooks that can be used to do things when the round state changes, like play music or whatever (hooks are same as server, ie. TTTEndRound etc), see readme for details.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 16-05-10
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Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 02:43:48 PM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #52 on:
May 19, 2010, 09:58:54 AM »
Version 19-05-10:
- Fixed killer dying of fall damage if he stands on his victim's head.
- Fixed (probably) a SetRole Lua error in a specific map switching and loading scenario.
- Fixed Lua error when blowing up an NPC.
- Fixed out of stock weapons sometimes not being greyed out in the equipment menu.
- Disabled Detective Beacons because they are useless.
- Removed credit hint text on corpses for Detectives to prevent stupid exploits from people who seem intent on playing the game in the least fun way possible (Why We Can't Have Nice Things, episode XVIII). They can still pick up the credits, but don't get the yellow hint if a corpse has some.
- Added ttt_game_text map entity, for showing messages in the top right. See FGD.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 19-05-10
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #53 on:
June 03, 2010, 09:01:40 AM »
Version 03-06-10:
- Added optional auto-kick when player reaches a Karma threshold. Enable with ttt_karma_low_autokick to kickban for 60 minutes at karma 400. See readme for other convars starting with ttt_karma_low that customize this behaviour.
- Maps without TTT weapon spawns and without a rearm script will now cause the game to create weapons based on maxplayers, rather than the number of active players in the server.
- Added warning in the chat for spectator-mode players when the preparation phase starts, informing them they are speccing and how to disable this.
- Fixed weapons playing their drawing animation in an instant, allowing players to switch very quickly. They now run the animation at a more reasonable speed.
- Fixed Fretta splash screen not appearing since one or two versions ago.
- Fixed traitors who kill other traitors with C4 getting karma reductions, despite the other traitor having plenty of opportunity to avoid the C4. The scoring already took this into account, karma now does too.
- Fixed rounds starting (and instantly ending) when there is only one active player and a bunch of spectator-only players.
- Added more checks to prevent errors when players disconnect while the round is being started, which caused the playercount to fall below the minimum where the game did not expect it to be.
- Fixed typo in readme of ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep. If the convar wasn't working for you, check if the name is correct.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 03-06-10
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #54 on:
June 10, 2010, 09:30:54 AM »
Version 10-06-10:
- Ragdolls colliding with eachother is now disabled by default to prevent ragdoll-related physics glitching causing lag. Can be re-enabled with ttt_ragdoll_collide (default 0).
- Added (experimental!) new weapons, one for Traitors and one for Detectives:
* Traitors get the Newton Launcher, a gun that pushes a target with much more force and a longer range than the crowbar. Has a recharge rather than ammo.
* Detectives get a UMP SMG that slightly shocks a target with each bullet, screwing with their aim.
- When Fretta voting is enabled, TTT now always starts a gamemode vote when the round/time limit is reached (and mapcycle isn't forced on), instead of only starting one when enough players vote for it when the round ends.
- Added proper kill attribution when an attacker pushes his victim into water with leeches that end up killing him.
- Added logging of DNA sample retrieval in the damage log (ie. server logs or ttt_print_damagelog).
- Fixed non-TTT-compatible weapons not being removed when players pick them up.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 10-06-10
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Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 09:32:29 AM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #55 on:
June 13, 2010, 09:56:11 AM »
Version 13-06-10:
- Fixed ragdolls sometimes becoming un-interactable (ie. couldn't be searched or picked up, didn't show on target ID).
- Greatly reduced damage dealt by UMP.
- Made DNA Scanner part of default loadout given to Detectives. Also made it easier to add (custom) weapons to the loadout (of everyone or specific roles only).
Trouble in Terrorist Town 13-06-10
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #56 on:
July 01, 2010, 08:49:16 PM »
Version 01-07-'10:
- Experimental: locational/3D voicechat. Servers can enable this feature (recently added to gmod) with "ttt_locational_voice 1" (defaults to 0 for now). Voicechat indicators will fade according to distance. Traitor chat and spectator voicechat is never locational.
- Made Detectives not appear blue on Traitors' radars to make them a slightly harder target to find.
- Fixed flaregun still igniting/damaging after the round has ended even if post-round DM is off.
- Fixed rounds/time left indicators on scoreboard not matching the server's settings.
- Improved knife-in-corpse effects. Should get less of the random floating in the air, and knives are now properly deleted if corpse is destroyed.
- Improved networking of iron sights, may fix issues where it acts odd if you spend a long time sighting.
- Fixed lag compensation warning in crowbar.
- Fixed tutorial getting unnecessary scrollbars since gmod switched to webkit. Will probably only help new players, as gmod doesn't redownload files (that are not Lua scripts) if they are updated.
- Removed workaround for attacker dying if he's standing on victim's head. This issue has been fixed in gmod itself now.
- Custom weapons are now marked with a little "c" on their icon so players now they're server-specific.
- It's no longer necessary to modify ammo entities in order to make custom weapons work with ammo pickups, it all listens to SWEP.AmmoEnt now.
- Equipment items (like radar and armor) are now defined in a separate file and generally easier to mess around with.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 01-07-10
Changes in directories:
Known issue: traitor indicators (those floating T icons above fellow traitors) may not work. This is caused by a gmod issue that will be fixed in the next gmod patch.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #57 on:
July 02, 2010, 08:05:41 AM »
Version 02-07-'10:
- Fixed traitor chat being audible to innocents.
- Fixed Lua error in DNA scanner if sample source was an invalid entity.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 02-07-10
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Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #58 on:
July 10, 2010, 06:59:56 PM »
Version 10-07-'10:
- Body armor is now default equipment for Detectives, meaning they get it for free when the round starts.
- Body armor now reduces damage by 30% instead of 20%.
- "X changed his name to Y" messages are now filtered out of the chat for normal players, and highlighted for admins (who can take appropriate action).
- Fixed longstanding weirdness in how weapon damage got scaled (caused by certain gmod things not working as they should). This means:
* Body armor now scales damage the proper amount, where before the reduction could be too low for body shots and too high for headshots.
* Weapons now do exactly as much damage as they are set to do in their code, rather than slightly more. Custom weapons should have their damage increased by about 20% to compensate.
* Default TTT weapons have already been adjusted to compensate.
- Tiny balance tweaks: UMP does a little more damage, M16 does a little more damage and fires a little faster.
- Grenades now use DT vars for networking. Should help with smoke grenades sometimes not creating smoke and other nade issues.
- Fixed corpse showing wrong "weapon" search result when killed by flare gun fire.
- Reconnecting during post/prep phases will no longer make the game forget you were traitor last round. Prevents traitors who reconnect after a round from having the same chance of becoming traitor again as those who were innocent, when their chance should be slightly lower.
- Some boring small things:
* Idle time limit now never defaults to 0 even if not getting a time limit setting from the server.
* A number of settings that were only synchronized to clients after a map load will now get synced every round start.
* ttt_highlight_admins is now a proper convar instead of a command, easier to set in a .cfg.
Trouble in Terrorist Town 10-07-10
(EDIT: uploaded the wrong .zip for this one, use the new release)
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Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 07:53:22 AM by Bad King Urgrain
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276
Reply #59 on:
July 11, 2010, 08:00:28 AM »
Version 11-07-'10:
The 10-07-10 version I uploaded was not the latest one because I'm dumb. This is the proper version which is now called 11-07-'10. Here's what's fixed compared to the old one:
- Body armor now shows 30% in description as it should.
- Removed bunch of server-side debug messages.
- Shows proper version instead of 02-07-10
Trouble in Terrorist Town 11-07-10
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