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Author Topic: Latest release thread: downloads and changelogs  (Read 179455 times)
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2010, 01:01:34 PM »


- Added more radio sounds: burning body, C4 beeps, and footsteps.

- Fixed burst fire flag on Radio sounds not having effect. Now the delay between "shot" sounds for machineguns like the MAC10 and HUGE will be identical to the real weapons, as intended.

- Fixed spectator hint text at the bottom of the screen overlapping the round timer at 800x600 and below.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v020110
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2010, 09:17:34 AM »


- Radio right click now sticks it on the surface you are looking at, like C4. Left click still drops it.

- Fixed radio forgetting it was yours if it was picked up and dropped with the magneto.

- Added display on the C4 model, showing the time until detonation.

- Added client setting (ie. under F1) for ironsight crosshair opacity. Crosshair is now no longer black while ironsighting. Those who don't want to see it can lower opacity, while those who do want it can see it more clearly now.

- Minor tweaks to text of teamkill highlights/"awards" to clarify the number of TKs

- Made pistol ammo show as "Pistol/M16 ammo" when picked up, because that's what it is.

- Behind the scenes: moved some NW vars to new datatable vars. Theoretically better networking performance.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v050110
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2010, 12:17:43 PM »


- Added Karma system to discourage teamkilling ("RDM"). Explanation here. A list of karma convars and what they do is available in the readme file (gamemodes/terrortown/readme.txt). The most important one is ttt_karma (default 0) which enables or disables the system. Disabled by default because it will inevitably need balancing.

- AFK players are now killed before they are moved to the Spectator team. This allows other players to find their body and verify whether they were Traitor.

- Added extra checks to AFK checking code to prevent false positives.

- Possible fix for Traitor chat not activating properly when pressing sprint (cannot reproduce this myself, need feedback).

- Made vehicle's driver now show on target ID when targeting the vehicle.

- Fixed Last Words exploit.

- Fixed ttt_print_* admin commands not showing output when using them in client console as superadmin (as opposed to rcon).

Trouble in Terrorist Town v100110
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2010, 08:37:47 AM »


- Fixed players with a karma over 1000 (only possible when server has raised the max) getting a small damage penalty instead of dealing full damage.

- Fixed Lua error in karma code when a player kills or is killed by a non-player, such as an NPC.

- Fixed ttt_print_adminreport showing deaths caused by non-player things in an ugly way.

- Minor changes behind the scenes to prepare for future improvements, shouldn't be noticeable.

EDIT: release pulled because I found a bug, updated version incoming
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 11:24:49 AM by Bad King Urgrain »
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2010, 12:58:52 PM »


- Fixed bugs caused by behind the scenes changes of v130110, that somehow didn't show up earlier.

- Scoreboard now shows info panel when clicking a player name.
 * If the player is dead, it shows the results of the body search, if you have searched it yourself. This should help collate evidence from multiple corpses.
 * If the player is in the Terrorist section, this will show a tag selection area, which replaces the tag cycling method.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v130110b

EDIT: there seems to be a final Lua error hiding somewhere, so you might want to wait for 130110c later today before updating.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 04:17:18 PM by Bad King Urgrain »
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2010, 06:47:45 PM »


- Fixed another Lua error, improved things here and there so this particular kind of error won't happen in the future.

- Added Gmod's datastream script to the ScriptEnforcer manifest of allowed files. TTT does not use datastream, but ULX does, which caused a minor error.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v130110c

This one has already been tested a bit with no problems, so it should be safe to upgrade to.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2010, 01:12:50 PM »


- Karma related:

    [li]ttt_karma now enabled by default.[/li]
    [li]Added Karma information to help and tutorial.[/li]
    [li]Slightly increased both the teamkill penalty and the bonus for killing a traitor as innocent.[/li]

- Fixed randomly occurring error spam when near an armed C4.

- Reduced how much a gun flies around when its owner dies.

- Round report window now stays up until the next round properly begins, rather than automatically closing as soon as the preparation phase starts.

- Made all kill events in the round report event list of the form "X was killed by Y", instead of "Y killed X", to be consistent with how other events are listed.

- Added award for killing someone with a knife as innocent, and made some minor tweaks to a few other awards/highlights.

- Everyone is muted for a second before and after a round restart (map cleanup etc). There's a (small) chance this helps against net buffer overflow errors. You can't really talk at that point anyway because everyone lags a bit as the map reloads.

- Improved spawn location randomisation.

- Experimental: spawn waves, via ttt_spawn_wave_interval (default 0)

    [li]When 0, spawns everyone at once as usual.[/li]
    [li]When larger than 0, spawns in waves of as many players as there are spawnpoints. Delay in seconds between waves is equal to the convar value.[/li]
    [li]If there are enough spawns for everyone on the server, everyone will spawn at once.[/li]
    [li]The preparation phase must be long enough to fit all the waves, so increase ttt_preptime_seconds if weird things happen.[/li]
    [li]Players who join during prep. will still spawn immediately (like after a new map loads).[/li]
    [li]As long as the players spawning move around after they spawn, this method should result in less spawning in walls and such on large servers.[/li]

Trouble in Terrorist Town v220110
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2010, 07:10:35 PM »


- Added Teleporter traitor weapon:
  * Primary fire to mark a location, secondary fire to teleport to the last marked location. Ammo for four teleports, but you can mark infinite times.
  * You are frozen while the teleport occurs, which takes about three seconds, and you can be shot during that time.
  * After teleporting, both places will get a marking on the ground showing there was a teleport there (it's the quantum particles).
  * If, since you marked it, a prop has been placed on the marked location, you will die if you teleport back there.
  * If a player is blocking the destination, he will be telefragged instead of you.
  * If a traitor with a teleporter dies, anyone can pick it up. Looks like a camphone.

- Fixed Lua error on shotgun in certain semi-random situations

- Added scorch decal on the ground when burning a body.

- After round ends, all players can see who is possessing a prop, rather than only spectators.

- The myinfo_bytes setting on clients is set to 1024 if it is below 1000 (which it is by default). This should help prevent buffer overflows.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v250110
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2010, 03:15:05 PM »


- Traitor Equipment menu improvements:

    [li]Made it use nicer icons (most of which were already used in the body search results + some new ones). Standard spawn icons will still be used for items that do not have a nice icon (such as custom stuff added by a server).[/li]
    [li]Made items that are not buyable (because you're already carrying one etc) be a darker shade.[/li]
    [li]Made menu taller, and extended the descriptions of most items.[/li]

- Weapon balancing:

    [li]Removed death scream for silenced pistol bodyshot kills[/li]
    [li]Increased Poltergeist ammo from 5 to 6 shots[/li]
    [li]Slightly reduced Teleporter loudness[/li]

- Score balancing:

    [li]Identifying a body now gives a point[/li]
    [li]Traitor team bonus now only rewards half a point per dead innocent instead of a full point (total is rounded up)[/li]

- Made health text on target ID stand out more compared to karma text.

- Added setting that makes target ID more minimalist, showing only the target's name, coloured in accordance to his health, rather than separate health text and karma text.

- Added setting that disables crosshair entirely, for those who enjoy pain.

- Fixed possessed object names not showing for everyone after round end.

- Fixed crowbar impact effect spam (finally)

- Minor Karma balancing: reverted kill penalty to original amount, and increased traitor hurting/killing reward a bit further.

- Behind the scenes:

    [li]Moved to gmod's bitwise operators for damage type checking instead of custom method (had their existence been more obvious I never would have had to make a custom method! joy). Small performance improvement.[/li]
    [li]Removed dependency on the gmod CS:S Lua addon (servers still need to install CS:S for the models etc)[/li]

Trouble in Terrorist Town v290110

Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2010, 01:24:35 PM »


- Fixed mapper-placed ammo boxes not dropping to the ground when they spawned.

- Server log will now contain who won the round when it ends.

- Fixed spectators not seeing possessed prop names.

- Voice is muted for a second around traitor selection. This should hopefully prevent an exploit where the fact that someone's voice indicator disappeared for a moment upon the moment of becoming traitor would reveal one's traitor/innocent-ness.

- Added Loyalists:
  * Some innocents get extra support from Terrorist HQ in the form of equipment credits and such. These select few are the Loyalists.
  * Everyone can see who is a Loyalist. They are high value targets for the traitors.
  * Traitors get a credit reward for killing a Loyalist, and vice versa. Both types can also find unused credits on each other's corpses.
  * When a Loyalist searches a corpse, the information is available for all players via the scoreboard (even if the death was already confirmed). If a Loyalist is the first to identify a corpse, he gets 3 points compared to a normal innocent's 1 point.
  * Loyalists can currently only buy a Radar and a Teleporter. More will be added in the future.
  * By default, there are 0 loyalists selected until a playercount of 10 is reached. From that point on, there are about half as many loyalists as there are traitors, rounded down. There are convars to control all this

- Renamed ttt_detective_mode to ttt_sherlock_mode in order to prevent confusion with loyalist/detective related convars.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v020210

Due to the scope of the modifications related to Loyalists, this release is a little more likely to have bugs than usual.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2010, 06:59:50 PM »


- Renamed Loyalists to Detectives.

- Added some Detective-related notes to the help and tutorial, as well as updating some tutorial images.

- Added Defuser as special Detective equipment:
  * Instantly disarms C4, short range, infinite uses.
  * Can be dropped (with Q) for a normal innocent to pick up and use. Not sure if that will remain possible, depends on how it works out.

- Reduced minimum C4 timer from 60 to 45 seconds.

- Fixed the Radar not automatically re-scanning when owner is a Detective rather than a Traitor.

- Disallowed weapons as Poltergeist targets.

- Fixed possessed prop names, properly this time.

- Fixed teleporter clientside code getting blocked by scriptenforcer (had only cosmetic consequences).

Trouble in Terrorist Town v030210

Note that help files and material files have been changed/added, so fastDL will need refreshing.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2010, 09:44:37 AM »


- Equipment weapons dropped by traitors or detectives is no longer picked up when you are nearby, unless you press the USE key (ie. it's not automatic anymore).

- Changed Karma indicator colour scheme to be different from health.

- "Reflection" search result is only shown when detective searches the corpse. Other players can still see it on the scoreboard after a detective does this.

- Detectives now no longer get a credit reward for killing a traitor, but the entire Detective "team" is awarded a credit if one of them searches a traitor corpse that had not been searched by a detective before.

- Detective selection now makes players with low karma (below ttt_detective_karma_min) less likely to become detective (as if they were detective/traitor last round).

- Reduced Poltergeist punching-blast damage range (it was a bit huge), increased firing range to compensate.

- Fixed view being tilted if player is spawned on a (spawn script) spawnpoint that is tilted.

- Fixed teleporting player who dies while frozen (between initiating the teleport and the moment of teleportation) staying frozen as spectator.

- Changed some leftover loyalist mentions to detective.

- Cleaned up and overhauled code related to traitor/detective/innocent roles (including traitor/detective selection) and some other bits and bobs of client state. Negligible performance improvements.

- Added function to weapon placer STOOL to remove all existing weapon_* and item_* entities from the map.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v060210
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2010, 08:44:45 PM »


- Searching a body during the preparation phase now simpler, without meaningless traitor confirmation etc. Fixes player showing as traitor even though he isn't if he was a traitor last round, dies during preparation and is found.

- Teleporter can no longer be used after the round has ended, to prevent players teleporting across the round restart.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v060210b
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2010, 10:18:57 AM »


- Fixed player roles not being reset when a new round starts in some cases, causing players to see others as detective/traitor even if they are not.

- Removed timeout on "eye reflections" now that only detectives can see them.

- Prevented scoreboard body search results received from a detective from being overwritten if you search the same corpse yourself.

- Made detective voicechat indicator and text chat name blue.

- Tweaked Karma indicator colour scheme.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v070210
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2010, 06:39:20 PM »


- Fixed issue where player roles would desync if a player disconnected during the preparation phase.

- Added full role reset when the round starts, so that the issue should never arise again.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v070210b
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2010, 08:42:45 PM »


- Fixed information leak about traitor status in player role list sent to client (ordering could be used to derive traitors, order is now random). Role list also no longer prints in console.

- Added Footstep Scanner. Equipment item for detectives. After buying, everyone will start to leave footsteps that fade over time. Only players who have the item can see the footsteps.

- Added Weapon Examiner. Equipment weapon for detectives. "Fire" at a weapon to see who has carried it.

- Experimental fix for rope entities breaking.

- Fixed C4 failing to deal through-wall damage to some players in certain specific situations.

- Made C4 more noticeable when a Detective who carries the Defuser is nearby (even when holding a different gun). It will beep louder (can be heard by all players) and give off a red flashing light.

- Added scoreboard icon indicating whether a body search result is present, coloured differently if it was a result found by a detective.

- Added admin-only console command ttt_highlight_admins 0/1 that toggles whether players see admins with a gold name.

- Added ttt_log_damage_for_console 0/1. Enable this to make ttt_print_damagelog print the damage log for the current round (RCON and SuperAdmins only). This can be a ton of data, which is why it's off by default.

- Added ttt_crazy_sparks clientside convar 0/1. Players can enable this to make bullets that hit a metal surface spark more extravagantly (so they can pretend they're playing FEAR). Probably hurts FPS if your PC is made out of wood. Defaults off.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v110210

Release notes:
- New icons for new equipment means fastdl will need refreshing.
- This release comes a bit earlier than planned (saturday) because of the traitor information leak bug. Hence there might be bugs and I may not have a chance to fix them until tomorrow evening.
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2010, 11:18:42 AM »


- Most detective and traitor equipment weapons can now be bought multiple times, only knife, radio and flaregun are limited to one per round.

- Added Beacon detective item that signals a location to all players.

- Made Weapon Examiner droppable.

- Made Body Armor reduce all bullet damage by 20%, instead of just torso shots.

- Made Footstep Scanner only draw one in five footsteps of a player, to prevent effect entity overload.

- C4 disarm penalty is now based on the bomb's initial arm time setting. For a 60 second timer it's 60/10 = 6 second penalty for each failed disarm.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v140210
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2010, 09:45:11 AM »


- Fixed beacon icon not being autodownloaded.

- Fixed C4 icon not working due to leftover beacon test code.

- Doubled teleporter ammo (now 8.) and slightly reduced teleport effect volume.

- Fixed ttt_credits_award_repeat not working as intended, rewarding a credit for every kill after X% innocents dead was reached, instead of only when another X percent had died. So now if the percentage is set to 25% and repeated awards is enabled, traitors will get rewarded at 25%, 50% and 75% dead.

- Traitor credit balance: traitors now rewarded 1 credit after killing 35% of the innocents (was 50%), and another credit at 70% killed.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v160210
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 09:46:57 AM by Bad King Urgrain »
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2010, 08:24:16 AM »


- Added Health Station, an equipment item for Detectives:
 * Placed like radio/beacon/etc. Cannot be picked up again, but can be carried.
 * The placed station can be USEd by players to heal. The station has a limited charge of 200 health points and does not recharge.
 * Anyone can heal, including traitors. All those who use it to heal leave their fingerprints/DNA on it though, and the Weapon Examiner can see that information.
 * Station can be destroyed.

- Fixed Lua error when player dies due to world damage.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v170210

Includes new /materials/ stuff, namely a health station icon.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 09:17:43 PM by Bad King Urgrain »
Bad King Urgrain
Posts: 12276

« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2010, 06:07:48 PM »


- Fixed beacon only showing on HUD for Detectives and Traitors, not innocents.

- Fixed equipment menu icon for beacon item not being autodownloaded.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v170210b

I was asked to list the general directories with changes with each release, for easier uploading to servers, so I'll attempt to remember that.

Changes in directories:
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