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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Detective Equipment- Evidence Compiler on: April 04, 2011, 05:49:22 AM
Say what you will, but I like the idea of a label showing "This person was killed by X" if either you or a detective find the body responsible for killing them.
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [RELEASE] TTT_Backalley on: April 03, 2011, 06:43:02 AM
dude this is fucking great. if you get the time you should do a version of cs_estate like this. id love to add it to my server.

Fuuuuck, I loved cs_estate. Too bad not many servers played it, and those that did were usually of the two-player variety...
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: SLAGaming.net TTT ( Achievements, Shop, And more!) on: March 22, 2011, 08:58:58 PM
Oh lawdy, RTD? That will cause chaos. What are the punishments/rewards?
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT_Casino_b1 - Quick Fix Released! 3/20/2011 on: March 20, 2011, 04:45:58 PM
Important: You will need to delete your current ttt_casino_b1.bsp map within your garrysmod/maps folder and then install the new updated version or you will encounter an error in
map version when connecting to a server using the newly released update.

Uh, why not just rename it to ttt_casino_b2? or ttt_casino_b1_fix?
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor Tells on: March 20, 2011, 04:41:34 PM
It's always fun when you go, "Well, I'm innocent, he's tested, and he's killed a traitor... SO IT MUST BE YOU!" Whip around and shoot traitor in head over a hill.

Always fun.

A lot more fun when you can mass traitor test in a short amount of time when people know what they're doing.

I remember one of my best moments on ttt_borders (the map that tests three people at once). When the round started, a bunch of people went to the traitor tester to get tested... First batch of people was me and two other guys. Turned up green (I was inno). I marked down two guys as inno. Detective got slightly suspicious that we all ran in at once to get tested, told me to get back in, and randomly selected two people to get in with me. Green again; two people added to the confirmed list. Then three random people got in. The result was green, but since I didn't trust them 100% yet, I put them on avoid, since there is no "watch this guy for now" button option.

The round goes by, and some people die, many of them traitors. One of the people from the third test die; he was innocent. Okay, two more people added to the confirmed list. Including the detectives, that was 9 confirmed innocents.

Some idiots who weren't listening to who was inno decide that they have "evidence" that one of the confirmed is a traitor. They shoot him, immediately get shot by the rest of us. One of them innocent, one a traitor. Okay, one traitor left on this map.

We find a few more dead bodies. Out of curiosity, I press tab to recheck how some of these people died... and notice that everyone but two people are marked as "Friendly" on my screen: me (due to the scoreboard limitation), and some other guy. I shoot said guy in the head when he stops moving around for a bit. Said player gets huffy, reveals he's an admin, and kickbans me for a day for RDM, even after I explain my reasoning; his retort was that he didn't kill anyone in the past few minutes, so it didn't count at all.

What concerns me a bit was that I checked the screen about a minute after the last body was found to see that, and yet nobody else called the one guy out.
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor Tells on: March 19, 2011, 01:12:22 PM
The following only works for people you know have played the game for a bit. Note that these won't work on servers with good admins, since it might be considered RDM:

* If someone unconfirmed follows you around, you aim at them with a strong weapon (almost any primary, or a deagle) and they don't say who they're with, likely traitor right there, since an innocent would be worried about being shot. (Note that this doesn't work as well if you're 100% confirmed innocent, since they might just be comfortable around you.)
* Anyone walking by a loud C4 without announcing it is usually KOS for me.
* Gunshots in a building (without any glass-breaking sounds) and only one person comes out, without announcing the shots. Usually noted as "Avoid" until I go inside to investigate for new blood/burn marks, but it's pretty likely that it's a traitor.
* Killing someone, IDing the body, then asking someone else why they killed him. (Yes, one guy actually tried this... he promptly got deagled in the head by me, then I got shot by a detective who saw the exact same thing I did. Dumbass.)

I've got a few more extremely subtle ones that give more indication as to who is a traitor, but I want to keep my edge. :3


Instead of running towards a place where C4 happened, they run away.

Nope, bad indicator. Unless there is a scream accompanying the explosion, there is no need to investigate.

Plus, smart traitors occasionally plant 2 C4s in close areas with the fuses a few seconds apart to catch people that investigate the explosion.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: New Healthstation... Thoughts? on: March 15, 2011, 06:22:27 AM
No, no it isn't. It forces the already-injured people to evaluate the risk of whether or not to heal up instead of just running by the station, pressing 'e' 4 times and wanking around again. That way, someone with access to a health station isn't at too much of an advantage during a firefight.
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Allow certain entity possession. on: March 11, 2011, 10:48:39 PM
As if the chickens weren't enough, lol...
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 07, 2011, 10:53:10 PM
Quick bug, not sure if intentional: After a round is over with ttt_locational_voice enabled, spectators can't talk with the living, as they are essentially muted. This might make it hard for people to talk to one another after the round is over.
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Customs in TTT?? on: March 04, 2011, 08:25:19 PM
I stopped wearing my mask as it started giving me away when disguised, and I also started noticing everybody else's.

When you see someone running away from the scene of a crime, but don't hover your mouse over them in time to see who it is, it's a pain.

When you see someone running away from the scene of a crime, don't hover your mouse over them in time to see who it is, but notice that they're wearing a Trollface mask, it's an easy ID.
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 04, 2011, 12:39:17 PM
Does the pushed player have to be nearby? What crowbar button is used, attack or push?

I'm not sure about the distance; it seems to be completely random. Sometimes I'm pretty close to the body being hit; other times I'm pretty far away from the nearest person and still get pushed occasionally.

From what I can tell, the attack button is used. The effect is that you get pushed just as if you were hit by the crowbar, but without the damage effect.

I'm trying to replicate it and record it, but it's fairly random and hard to reproduce accurately. Will post something in this thread if  I get some sort of decent footage.
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 04, 2011, 04:10:28 AM
Two things I'm not quite sure have been mentioned yet:

1. Any chance that "ghost" corpses from the previous round showing up in the next round can be fixed?

2. How about the remote crowbarring glitch, where someone whacks a corpse (or something else, mostly noticed with corpses) with a crowbar, and it pushes you in a direction?
13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [WIP] TTT_Backalley on: March 01, 2011, 11:35:18 PM
I cant really get away with goldsrc textures now :( I would love to play it with a retexture and maybe some source props/details added in.

Why not just play the CS:S version of Backalley, then?
14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: ttt_67th_way on: February 21, 2011, 08:29:27 PM
Added it to the reddit server.

On another note, from what people are saying about it, I bet I'll love it. There aren't enough good suburban maps out there, and the cars will just make everything hilarious, as well as easy to pass blame off for traitors.

"*shoots guy in head* Oh, I found this body... it seems he was run over."

I wish I was at home so I could actually play it.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 17, 2011, 06:22:07 AM
I agree with Raneman, maybe not an "item" but a passive ability. Something that tells you if you CAN be seen, not if you're being seen (just like the L4D spawn system while being Infected, you must find a spawn point where you cannot be seen).

That would be an amazing add.

It would be near-useless then in Raneman's context, wouldn't it? Considering you'd have to be "able to be seen" by your victim in order to take him out...

I can see how this could be useful in planting C4 in unexpected places, though.
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor Equipment: Mute on: February 17, 2011, 06:19:22 AM
I've played on servers where there is a "radio jammer" of sorts which jams all voice activity and changes any text into "== RADIO JAMMED ==" or something like that. It's more annoying than anything and I haven't seen a situation where it helped take somebody out.

However, with the twists you've provided, it could be useful. I'd foresee just a bunch of RDM, though.

Ask Phoenix, he might be willing to make a prototype of it. :P
17  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [RELEASE] ttt_infini_b1 on: February 12, 2011, 10:07:13 PM
Why don't server admins just implement the wave spawn feature? It's not like it's hard to do, and on larger servers it helps prevent a lot of problems...
18  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Spectator guns. on: February 08, 2011, 07:31:48 PM
Instead of knives, im working on MONITORS, Dr. Hax moment here.

So now `bind / "say_team HAX!; sleep; ttt_throw_monitor"` is going to be necessary for your server? :P
19  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Player stats / ranking ? on: February 05, 2011, 11:47:02 AM
While stats are a good idea, I don't see player ranking being accurate at all. How well you do is proportional to how good other people are. While that's true in most games, there's a difference: in Quake, for instance, a decent measure of skill on a server would be KDR, since as your skills increase, your killing ability increases and your dying decreases (ideally). You can use a combination of kills and deaths to calculate ranking and adjust for time spent on the server.

In TTT, it's completely different, since everything that moves isn't KOS. You can't just go around killing people, since that's RDM. If you're a traitor, it might be good (even though there's a lot of other factors like causing chaos, uncertainty and damage), but if you're innocent, stats can be skewed. You can be instakilled by traitors without warning, skewing your rank. You can be RDM'd for no reason, adding to a death. You can have people joining and acting like idiots or "attacking" others, forcing you to kill them and reduce your rank further. You can have new people who are not sure what to do in the game do something a regular would see as a traitorous act (i.e. not ID'ing a body), making you attack them, again reducing your rank. The list of problems goes on and on.

However, if properly accounted for, a HLStats-like system might be able to work, if not for traitors constantly targeting the highest-ranking people first.
20  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Chicken Invasion(Aka, Magneto Thread) on: February 03, 2011, 12:15:01 AM
When I attempt to connect to the server...

Quote reliable stream overflow reliable stream overflow reliable stream overflow reliable stream overflow
et c.

...and then it disconnects me.

I wanna throw some chickens :<
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