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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 28, 2011, 11:36:02 PM
I thought I would just add this....

- We should acknowledge that propkilling is defined as a weapon just like guns.
- We should also acknowledge that propkilling does more damage to Karma/Score if used in Blue vrs Blue.
- That RDM is Random Deathmatch. That players which RDM with props should be treated equally as their counterparts with guns.
- That "dueling", "pushing", and "love tapping" are attempted RDM.
- 'Sensi and Apprentice'types of groups are considered RDM/Troll groups if they use props just to troll people, and once again will be treated the same as their counterparts whom use guns.
- Propkilling Scripts are the same as Aimbot Scripts.

2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: June 25, 2011, 10:17:24 AM
Hey Bad King, I was recently looking at the armscripts, and I was wondering if its possible to make it so you can spawn prop houses. It would be kind of interesting to see people try to add rp buildings to gm_construct and use it as a ttt map
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / TTT Armscripts Now Include Barrels...? on: June 15, 2011, 07:20:45 PM
I'm not sure if this is an addon or not, but recently I've went through a few servers running the recent version of TTT, and I noticed they seem too all include random stacks of barrels which are not oriented with the map... Is this some new armscript which adds propkilling props to maps, by chance?
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 14, 2011, 12:15:49 AM
... What now Handy?
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 11, 2011, 11:35:46 PM
As the guide says,

'Propkilling is a bannable offense on about 45% of TTT Servers'

6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Picture inside] Is it possible to code a color-coded damage log? on: June 11, 2011, 06:43:01 PM
Not to mention, saving logs wouldn't show the color-coded damage.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 10, 2011, 09:12:50 PM
Propkilling is actually more Karma damaging far as my knowledge goes... I've had a one hit propkill on an friend, and my karma took a -200 Karma hit because it measured so high.
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 10, 2011, 04:05:54 AM
So a replacement for the crowbar and the secondary?

Pistol, and Crowbar do realtively 25-30 damage each... One prop hit does 75-100 with good karma. I believe it's evident which is more useful.
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Prop Killing? on: June 09, 2011, 03:26:23 PM
So propkilling is in the same measure of topic as The Specialist RP.

I know theirs an anti-prop damage command, but I can't remember the name of it... I'll get back to you when I find it.
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 09, 2011, 12:55:42 PM
Why is it wrong? because prop killing is RDM,

Wrong. Propkilling is actually a very, very last ditch strategy which proves to be quiet useful if your being attacked when you can't reload.
Why does a jet have a gatling gun when it can kill it's targets from miles upon miles away? Because it's just damn useful when your only two yards away.
Why do infantry men still have bayonets, and knifes? Because is damn helpful when you need them.
Everything has a purpose... Being able to master it's use before being forced into the combat situation where you need it, may become of use in the future, and not to mention propkilling is measured by karma and score damage... It's essentialy a one shot shotgun.
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 08, 2011, 01:13:42 AM
What's wrong with propkilling?
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Propkilling! Beginners Guide! on: June 07, 2011, 07:48:52 PM
Propkilling! Beginners Guide!

- Disclaimer
- Mouse Setup[Joey Edition]
- Toss Methods
- Prop Types



Propkilling is a bannable offense in almost 40% of TTT servers. The act is seen as minge-like, and can lead too very damaged ties with communities. With that said I take no responsiability for player's actions regarding propkilling, and anything you or any other player does is on your own head.

Prosper long, and enjoy, but BE CAREFUL.


Setting Up Your Mouse For Propkilling

One of the major issues in propkilling is being able to do what most PK'ers refer too as, QRT. QRT stands for Quick Reaction Time. Propkilling is all about having a very open mind, and being able to keep up with said mind.
So how do we set up our mouses for Propkilling? Well guess what... It's remotley doesn't even relate too Garry's Mod/Source Engine. What you need to do is open your Control Panel from the Start Menu, and Enable Classic View. Look for Mouse, and double click on it. This should bring up a menu.

Now from here you should see the following tabs...

- Buttons
- Pointers
- Pointer Options
- Wheel
- Hardware

The one you want to enter is Pointer Options. From here you should see should see the following

- Motion
- Snap To
- Visibility

Under Motion you'll usually have a thing checked called, 'Enchance Pointer Precision'. Few words of advice... DISABLE THIS MOTHERFUCKER LIKE NO TOMMOROW. If you have sloppy aim in games, if you can't react fast enough even with max settings, this little fuck is your reason why. It'll take some time to get use to the new movement on your desktop, but its needed for propkilling



Back to Garry's Mod already? Fuck, I thought I would be able to get pass a few hours of ear rape. Alright this is where things start depending on what your style is. If you wish to toss props fast, but with little accuracy(like I tend to do) you'll need to adjust too the following settings or something similar.

Mouse Sens: 6.0
Raw Input: Checked
Mouse Accel: Checked
Mouse Accel Speed: 1.15

These settings will give you a very, very fast motioned mouse so if your into guns more then props you'll need to fine tune them too your style.


Tossing Props

Tossing props is an art really... It required a good set of hands, and fast reflexs. More importantly... It requires a wrist. Have you ever gone fishing? Imagine your mouse as the rod... Yeah like the rod flicking, without the flick of a rod, but more of push forward...

A few methods can be adopted for propkilling, but these are more common foothold for n00bies.

First method is simple... Turn about 90/180 degrees, and turn toward the direction your enemy is, and click mouse one. This will release a viciously flying prop which can kill in one hit.
Second method is similar with a twist... I'm not even joking about the twist part, by the way. You turn your mouse like you normaly would for a normal throw, but you actually press mouse two. This releases a much more accurate, but less powerful throw, and even though you may be more tuned to use mouse two be careful.

My favorite method though? Rug Burning.

What's Rug Burning? Rug burning is where you do a quick reflex of gripping the prop, but not grabbing it with the magneto stick, and do a quick 45 degree shot which sends the prop skyrocketing acorss the ground, and if a player is standing on anyform of prop, stairs, or otherwise... It automatically kills them. This is more on the line an intermediate skill, but if you can perfect it, it's damn well effective for quick slingshot kills.

Another method is called Bouncy Ball.

What you do is take a small prop which weighs about 25-50 pounds, and actually flick it towards a nearby wall of your enemy. It does barley any damage when it hits them, but for some unknown reason it colors the screen a deeper red, and blinds them for a split second.



Ah.... My favorite part of this guide. The bullet for the gun. The fries with the cheeseburger... The bacon with eggs. Yeah... This is really important.

Props are designated into a few groups.. Let me explain.


Explosives are the props that are made for long-range blast damage/surprise attacks. The way your suppose to use these is by getting a buddy with a MAC-10 to ignite the barrel, propane, or gascan, and you toss them out toward an group of enemy players. Explosives are very, very easy too use, but have a few drawbacks. First off... Your lugging around a fricking explosive. One shot from a sniper,m16,shotgun, or crowbar kills it. Explosives are not heat-seaking missiles... Murphy's Law comes into play here. If it has a possibility of fucking up, it will fuck up. Make sure to write that down... It's important.


Breakables are the more commonly used prop for propkilling considering their found in abundancies thanks to Valve making a lot of breakable stuff for FPS games. So how do you use a breakable? Breakables are basically the shotgun of propkilling. They pepper a target, but don't salt it. It usually will require two hits to kill anything with a breakable prop. Thats a major drawback of breakables though considering their a one go, low-go, and missing usually means you get screwed in the ass by five different people.


Ah... The sniper rifle of propkilling. Barrels are something you really should learn to love. They do the most damage aside from 'Mystery Props' and are very, very easy to use. Barrels actually rocket twice the speed of most props  ;)
So how do you use barrels? Well its quiet simple really... You pick it up, choose a target, toss it in their general direction, and find a taxdirmist for their corpse.
Barrels really don't have many drawbacks other then the fact they make the loudest noise when being tossed around, and are easily detected like our buddy the explosive barrel.

Mystery Props

I love finding mystery props, but the problem about them is quiet simple... Thier a mystery! Mystery props are considered the one hundred ton bomb of propkilling. You really just can't go wrong with them(aside from bombing civilian populations hehe....). Examples of mystery props are as followed...

Cash Registers which aren't weight changed by the mappers
RP_Christmastowns Three Way Computer Screen(1 hit kills eryday)
Chairs which aren't weight changed by the mappers
Cinder Blocks


Next time on, Propkilling! We'll explain the use of small props to guide bigger props to create rage trains. Tricks on how to kill players with one shot, and how to use props as defensive barriers against guns.
13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 27, 2011, 01:20:29 AM
Thanks for the concept Bad King! But I had something on my mind I thought I put out there... Possibly just make a trigger called, TTT_PKL(Propkilling League).
14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 26, 2011, 04:03:37 AM
Everyone, this is joey.

You might remember him from KENTUCKY FRIED TATOR.

Do not attempt to persuade him away from a prop kill only map, it will only make him want it more.

I'm making it regardless. Just need to figure out how to disable a good majority of TTT shit.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 26, 2011, 02:55:09 AM
Hey guys I was wondering if theirs any possible way I can make a TTT Map, propkill, and crowbar kill only.

I was also wondering if it's possible to disable the traitor/detective menus. (For sake of keeping the propkilling, as propkilling)
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / New Healthstation... Thoughts? on: March 15, 2011, 06:02:29 AM
I thought I should put this out there... The new healthstation is just way to damn slow to be useful. Is it possible to speed it up or possibly make a server command to choose the old health station or the new health station?
17  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Parent, and Child Props. on: February 02, 2011, 11:22:15 PM
This has been something I picked up on regarding propkilling... If you magneto a prop you can push around other props. Some of which can easily run players over, and kill them.

My solution? Parent/Child Prop system. If a parent prop contacts a child prop the child prop will give liability to the  parent prop for any kills done through the child prop.

Or in example...

If someone flips over the dumpster on richland, and goes into the inside of the dumpster, and then uses a prop to push it around at high velocity to hurt/kill players the dumpster will feedback the damage to the prop used to push the dumpster, and whoever holds said prop will get karma/score damage.
18  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / KENTUCKY FRIED TATOR on: November 24, 2010, 08:33:18 PM
This is a concept I originally posted back in Chiefeh's TTT Forum, but I just wanted to put it out there just in case!

My suggestion is Kentucky Fried Tator. What does it do? It's a traitor weapon which is the View Model of a fryer or a microwave, and what it does? It takes the bodies of two detectives, three innocents(non-detective), and two to three traitor/detective weapons, and boils them together(15-20 seconds). Once the boiling is done a giant laser beam will shoot down from the air, and kill the traitor (flare gun him aswell), and bunch of flaming sandviches will fall from the sky(doing 40-75 damage per near area hit,and 100 for direct hit on player) with the Great God Of Heavy shouting, "SANDVICHHHHHHHHH"

The concept is mainly a major milestone weapon, but it doesn't auto kill anyone! It drops sandwiches which have a low blast radius(somewhat like Dark RP meteor showers.) It would mostly work on maps which are opened up largely (amsterville,richland,urbanruins). Thanks for reading, and I hope for some feedback/input on this.
19  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Explosive Barrel PK's Go Against The Killed? on: November 24, 2010, 08:29:29 PM
Thanks BKU. If you need me too I'll look at it once I can find a server with V21 up :D
20  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Explosive Barrel PK's Go Against The Killed? on: November 23, 2010, 08:53:39 PM
I tried it on other servers, and it did not fix it.(V19-V20) It's a gamemode wide problem.
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