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Zombie Master  |  Other  |  Trouble in Terrorist Town  |  Topic: Solutions for each map
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Author Topic: Solutions for each map  (Read 10745 times)

Posts: 6

« on: November 19, 2009, 06:37:56 AM »

I was thinking that we post a little tutorial on how to "solve" each map. Like zm_countrytrain_b4. How the hell do you connect the power lines? It's been bothering me for SUCH a long time! And Google doesn't help me, either! AGH!

I'll get a sort of overhead map for each of the maps in the TTT rotation to try to describe what map conditions exist, or if you're willing to contribute, then go ahead!



Posts: 1045

Look into my eyes.

« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 04:08:25 PM »

You can not connect the power lines. Nor would it have any use as when the train would show up and you manage to get all the luggage in. You will just drive to the end of the map and a zm win trigger would be called which would do nothing in TTT AFAIK.

You're so buttmad faggot an admin who rdms and ghosts and lets his friends aimbot what a classy faggot, thank god half your server consists of asslickers otherwise nobody would play on your shitty server.
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Posts: 14000


« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 10:06:14 PM »

Countrytrain is the only one with a doable objective, and it's fairly broken at that. Forget about it and enjoy playing TTT.

You're all the most fucking heartless people

Posts: 6

« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2009, 05:50:00 AM »

You can not connect the power lines. Nor would it have any use as when the train would show up and you manage to get all the luggage in. You will just drive to the end of the map and a zm win trigger would be called which would do nothing in TTT AFAIK.

Ned, a few times that i've played and the train was summoned, the exitting of the stage via train entitled the innocents victory. There is a way to do it, it's just that I've never seen the procedure, which makes me sad D;

Anyways, I'll try to get onto mapping the 'solutions' some time soonish... I just need to actually have time to do it.


Posts: 1721

Disco Disco.

« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2009, 10:36:51 AM »


where I put the model for others to see the model put??? please help!!

srry for my bad english    (in what folder??)

In a shameless act of self promotion Skeleton's Bone Pile - Australian Killing Floor Community.
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Posts: 2338


« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 04:34:21 PM »


where I put the model for others to see the model put??? please help!!

srry for my bad english    (in what folder??)

Dude what the fuck this guy actually speaks well

del>Ok, so Bad King, you are just going to wait for Garry to fix?
What an idiotic thing to ask. Dammit weed.

Bookcases, Bookcases Everywhere
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Posts: 1289

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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2009, 06:53:29 PM »

But his question is silly so it is still partially true

I hate all of you
Nah, more like demigod isn't self centered and he is legality cool guy.
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« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2009, 12:54:44 AM »

You know you could just download ZM, download this map, and then WOAH OH MY GOD THERE'S A LIST OF ALL THE OBJECTIVES TO DO

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