My first clue this could be robin would be:
Okay, I understand and agree with this, BUT TTT Is fun, When 8yr old kids like Robin are banned permanently.
Yes, I know who Robin is.
No, Im not Robin.
Yes, He harrassed me
No, not sexually
Actually he added me yesterday and asked me to DDoS a server. Anyways, GMod has changed. End Of.
But most of all robin was banned (both accounts) august 7th (give or take) date of annonomous registration was about a month later but he claims to know robin etc based on above quote, so i deduce my good fellows that this could be robin with a decent possibility. Now ofc he could "know" robin from the posts he made and such but the entire post surrounding him is a bit trollish regardless.
No i don't take into account meeting the player outside of this forum because the "issue" is forum related and i sure as hell don't run around telling everyone online i subscribe/ post on this website and that website sooo yeah.