Sorry, should have made it a little clearer, heh
ttt_round_limit (def. 6):
The max number of rounds until the map is switched or a fretta vote starts. For the map to switch a mapcycle.txt is needed, and either "fretta_voting 0" or "ttt_always_use_mapcycle 1". Otherwise it will run a fretta vote.
ttt_time_limit_minutes (def. 75):
The max number of minutes until the map is switched or a vote is started (see above).
ttt_always_use_mapcycle (def. 0):
Enables the use of your mapcycle.txt even if Fretta is enabled (via fretta_voting). Has no effect if you disable fretta_voting, because then the mapcycle is always used.
ttt_fretta_mapvoting (def. 0):
Turns Fretta votes into map-only votes. Players will not be able to vote on gamemodes, only maps.
ttt_fretta_votegracerounds (def. 0):
Sets the number of rounds before the "continue or start vote" popup comes up after the round when fretta_voting is enabled. Use this to prevent players from immediately voting for a new map after one has loaded.
look at "fretta_voting" within there, i think you meant "ttt_fretta_mapvoting".