if SERVER then
-- when the server loads this script, tell it to send it to clients
-- when a client runs it, add the hook
function MySBColors(ply)
if ply:IsUserGroup("coder") then
return Color(0, 255, 255) -- Cyan
elseif ply:IsUserGroup("Donator") then
return Color(55, 255, 0) -- Light green
elseif ply:IsUserGroup("Donatorplus") then
return Color(50, 140, 0) -- Green
elseif ply:IsUserGroup("Tempmod")
return Color(255, 255, 0) -- Yellow
elseif ply:IsUserGroup("Moderator") then
return Color(235, 90, 0) -- Orange
elseif ply:IsUserGroup("admin") or ply:IsUserGroup("superadmin") then
return Color(120, 0, 255) -- Purple
elseif ply:IsUserGroup("owner") then
return Color(0, 0, 255) -- Blue
hook.Add("TTTScoreboardColorForPlayer", "MySBColors", MySBColors)
What's the problem with the above code?
It's put into lua\autorun if youre wondering, and it gets downloaded