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Author Topic: Traitor Tells  (Read 8640 times)

Posts: 219


« on: March 17, 2011, 07:29:56 PM »

Here's how I figure out who's a traitor, please share yours:
*Innocents call Traitor when attacked, Traitors call RDM.
*If someone acts as a bystander to a traitorous act, they are a traitor. Traitors often work in pairs, so it's a good idea to kill everyone in the area, because if there was an innocent amongst them, the traitors would probably kill them.
*Traitors are often nervous, and it's very easy to get them worked up. If you accuse someone and they appear to overreact, kill them.
*Refusing to be tested is 95% of the time an easy way to find a traitor.
*There's no such thing as a misfire, just a missed shot.
*Any claim or excuse will often be full of bullshit, which you'll develop an ear for in time.
*If communication goes dead, you're probably the last innocent. Kill everyone you see.
*Traitors will often stop and stare at a location with C4 shortly before it blows up.
*Traitors on clue don't actually give a shit about the lights.
*Anyone who follows you around after you disarm C4 is planning to kill you, because their cover will be blown the second the detective gets DNA on them.

What are yours?

Posts: 54

« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 07:36:01 PM »

If someone says 'I am the traitor' they are always inno so you shoot them

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Posts: 382


« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 07:40:06 PM »

I've noticed some of my friends stand still, not moving and look at people when they're a traitor. It's really obvious and when I kill them, 90% of the time it ends in a ragequit.

Posts: 178

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« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 07:51:11 PM »

i disagree with some of these, like misfire. Yes MOST of the time it is a missed shot but i misfire all the time with my stupid mouse hitting the side of my keyboard. The all communication stops is a sign but you cant just go on a killing spree, you HAVE to do an alive check because if their is a bunch of others alive thenn maybe people are just not talking. Other than that i agree with most of the signs of traitors, but you would still need actual proof :/ like the staring at c4 one, maybe they are afk, but yea...i stare at thr c4 before it blows up so you are right.

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Build Tester
Posts: 4639

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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 07:58:20 PM »

With C4, some Traitors tend to stand still in a place in the map as far away from the C4 as they can get, like in corners and such, then start moving as soon as it explodes.


Posts: 79

« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 08:23:07 PM »

My most common reason for killing people has to be that they didnt react the way an innocent should when someone is attacked/killed infront of them.
Build Tester
Posts: 10242


« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 08:54:06 PM »

If I get shot from behind, I turn around and kill whoever is behind me.

Made this one guy rage so fucking hard yesterday.

EDIT: In fact, here is the situation.

I'm Detective, and we are playing that canyon map for whatever reason. I'm sitting at the helipad looking for anything suspicious when the entire server comes up there. Knowing there are at least two traitors waiting for a chance to kill me, I bolt for the stairs, telling everyone "Don't come down if you want to live." while throwing an incendiary grenade in front of me in the stair well. Immediately another guy goes on his mic saying "What the hell" and shit, when other people back me up saying I actually said not to follow me. I hear a shotgun blast, see the pellets fly past me. turn around and start shooting him. There is another guy in the stairwell, so I cap him too, and before I kill the first guy. They were both traitors. Some other guy then goes on about how if he was admin I would be banned for that. A few rounds later, I get shot in the back by mr "If I were admin", turn around and start killing him. He's near death when his bitching about RDM finally strikes a nerve that I may possibly be wrong about him, then he takes advantage of this and shotguns me in the face. He spends the rest of the round whining about RDM and admiting he shot me and that he was a traitor. I was laughing so god damned hard.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 09:01:24 PM by eeny »

Nobody Expects the Malkavian Inquisition!

Posts: 13

« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2011, 09:40:10 AM »

Instead of running towards a place where C4 happened, they run away.

Posts: 36

« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2011, 01:12:22 PM »

The following only works for people you know have played the game for a bit. Note that these won't work on servers with good admins, since it might be considered RDM:

* If someone unconfirmed follows you around, you aim at them with a strong weapon (almost any primary, or a deagle) and they don't say who they're with, likely traitor right there, since an innocent would be worried about being shot. (Note that this doesn't work as well if you're 100% confirmed innocent, since they might just be comfortable around you.)
* Anyone walking by a loud C4 without announcing it is usually KOS for me.
* Gunshots in a building (without any glass-breaking sounds) and only one person comes out, without announcing the shots. Usually noted as "Avoid" until I go inside to investigate for new blood/burn marks, but it's pretty likely that it's a traitor.
* Killing someone, IDing the body, then asking someone else why they killed him. (Yes, one guy actually tried this... he promptly got deagled in the head by me, then I got shot by a detective who saw the exact same thing I did. Dumbass.)

I've got a few more extremely subtle ones that give more indication as to who is a traitor, but I want to keep my edge. :3


Instead of running towards a place where C4 happened, they run away.

Nope, bad indicator. Unless there is a scream accompanying the explosion, there is no need to investigate.

Plus, smart traitors occasionally plant 2 C4s in close areas with the fuses a few seconds apart to catch people that investigate the explosion.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 01:14:07 PM by Liru »

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Posts: 79

« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 01:15:55 PM »

* Anyone walking by a loud C4 without announcing it is usually KOS for me.
* Gunshots in a building (without any glass-breaking sounds) and only one person comes out, without announcing the shots. Usually noted as "Avoid" until I go inside to investigate for new blood/burn marks, but it's pretty likely that it's a traitor.

Killing without any reason isnt allowed on the MOGZ servers but I would say those would be acceptable reasons to kill someone, maybe not so much the second without going in and first confirming someone died (If they died by headshot, if you hear someone die in a building then someone else runs out then yeah shoot away :P)

And yes I pay attention to many many more tells but I'm not going to share the secrets here :P

Also yeah, traitors normally run towards C4 blast depending on the map, because they are standing at a safe distance waiting for it to go off then start moving again as soon as it blows. Good traitors make sure they stay a safe distance but dont look at C4 through walls and keep moving.

On clue its a good tell if someone is in the tunnels and you see them looking up at the roof/through walls, they are most likely looking at C4 or for people on the radar.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 01:20:04 PM by Cush »

Posts: 308

SNG community admin

« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2011, 01:27:36 PM »

Allot of these are all well and good but most would not be a valid reason for a kill on a server as it pertains to not much evidence at all, but adding some of these up would be plenty i am sure.

I have had quite allot of evidence on certain people (more tells and body positioning last seen etc) and still don't make the kill, its more about hard evidence, DNA, Seen shooting not doing anything etc but yeah these are good for suspicions.


Posts: 219


« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2011, 04:15:10 PM »

I play TTT in the same way I play EpicMafia, I don't need hard evidence, I need whoever is a lying, suspicious scumbag. And I'm right 90% of the time.
Build Tester
Posts: 1541

« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2011, 09:18:33 PM »

It's always fun when you go, "Well, I'm innocent, he's tested, and he's killed a traitor... SO IT MUST BE YOU!" Whip around and shoot traitor in head over a hill.

Always fun.

I clicked on that link, but quickly closed the tab before it loaded upon realizing that the file name was whalecock.jpg.

Posts: 36

« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2011, 04:41:34 PM »

It's always fun when you go, "Well, I'm innocent, he's tested, and he's killed a traitor... SO IT MUST BE YOU!" Whip around and shoot traitor in head over a hill.

Always fun.

A lot more fun when you can mass traitor test in a short amount of time when people know what they're doing.

I remember one of my best moments on ttt_borders (the map that tests three people at once). When the round started, a bunch of people went to the traitor tester to get tested... First batch of people was me and two other guys. Turned up green (I was inno). I marked down two guys as inno. Detective got slightly suspicious that we all ran in at once to get tested, told me to get back in, and randomly selected two people to get in with me. Green again; two people added to the confirmed list. Then three random people got in. The result was green, but since I didn't trust them 100% yet, I put them on avoid, since there is no "watch this guy for now" button option.

The round goes by, and some people die, many of them traitors. One of the people from the third test die; he was innocent. Okay, two more people added to the confirmed list. Including the detectives, that was 9 confirmed innocents.

Some idiots who weren't listening to who was inno decide that they have "evidence" that one of the confirmed is a traitor. They shoot him, immediately get shot by the rest of us. One of them innocent, one a traitor. Okay, one traitor left on this map.

We find a few more dead bodies. Out of curiosity, I press tab to recheck how some of these people died... and notice that everyone but two people are marked as "Friendly" on my screen: me (due to the scoreboard limitation), and some other guy. I shoot said guy in the head when he stops moving around for a bit. Said player gets huffy, reveals he's an admin, and kickbans me for a day for RDM, even after I explain my reasoning; his retort was that he didn't kill anyone in the past few minutes, so it didn't count at all.

What concerns me a bit was that I checked the screen about a minute after the last body was found to see that, and yet nobody else called the one guy out.

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Posts: 31

« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 07:47:14 PM »

When someone tries to run away from an un-identified body which happens all of the time.
If you see this happen, then it's possibly a traitor, for me i always KOS such people because it's their fault and it's not considered as RDM.

Posts: 219


« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2011, 11:51:50 PM »

Be wary of the wolf, new traitors will often go out of their way to stalk badly wounded players and kill them. If you spot someone suspicious hounding a wounded man, don't hesitate to shoot.
Build Tester
Posts: 1289

Nimble as a pregnant cow

« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2011, 02:14:24 AM »

Too many admins get their panties in a knot when they are traitor and they die for any reason.

I hate all of you
Nah, more like demigod isn't self centered and he is legality cool guy.
Build Tester
Posts: 10242


« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2011, 02:32:57 AM »

Too many admins get their panties in a knot when they are traitor and they die for any reason.

Yeah back on Soduka's server we actually listened to the reasoning and attempted to reach a consensus on the action between ourselves before banning anyone.

Those were the day's :C

Nobody Expects the Malkavian Inquisition!
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