I noticed that the C4 numpad had quite a few unused buttons, so I decided to clean it up myself. Here are some pictures:
It's now cut down to only 11 buttons. The '0' key is smaller and there is a 'CLR' (or 'Clear') button for clearing the combination entered.
DOWNLOAD: http://solidfiles.com/d/e161/INSALL:1. Place the contents into the
garrysmod/gamemodes/terrortown/ folder and overwrite existing files.
2. Open
terrortown/gamemode/init.lua and add
AddCSLuaFile( "vgui/DNumPadC4.lua" ) at the top.
3. Open
terrortown/gamemode/cl_init.lua and add
include( "vgui/DNumPadC4.lua" ) at the top.
If you could add this into the official TTT gamemode, Bad King Urgrain, that would be great.