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Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Editing the level while playing a game is fun
on: July 01, 2010, 06:32:07 AM
If you map is just being played with while its made, run fast on .bsp, or shit, if your map isn't huge, don't even need to run vvis.
let me clarify, vvis creates visleafs so the engine can use those to determine what needs to be rendered, so if your map isn't like a rp map, or filled to the brim with phyics and props, you can skip vvis. full vvis takes forever, and fast can work on pre-release canidates.
Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Idea] Random kill fix? Jail and Hospital/Revival system
on: June 29, 2010, 06:20:06 AM
The thing about TTT is it's a game about paranoia and deception. Its not your average TDM.
RDM happens, people have bad hunches, something we decided was best for our server is that going after every bad RDM was tedious, and meaningless. Some of the best things for traitors is when players turn on one another, and the best kill is the one you didn't commit.
While overdoing it is dealt with, simple bad hunches are usually killed by other innocents, and it helps not need to regulate everything the player does.
While most don't like RDM, its a part of the game.
Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [HALP!] Creating a "dead ringer" item.
on: June 25, 2010, 09:42:45 PM
How about a manikin, like say the same senario, and now you know you in trouble. This standing manikin just holds a primary and just stands there. Now you can tuck into a corner and an innocent could walk into a room and see someone standing over bodies. They would shoot it and go to check it. But its clearly fake, he knows now it was a trap, and your shotgun to the back to his head confirms it.
Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / additional gametypes?
on: June 25, 2010, 09:20:59 PM
Why not set up more gametypes in ttt?
I was thinking modes other then just traitors v innocents would help keep things fresh.
Like one everyone is a traitor, but everyone gets a target, and you get a point when you kill your target, and you get whoever they were hunting, and the player who's last alive wins.
I known its not new, but it would work well in ttt!
You wouldn't want to kill those who weren't after you, or lose karma, etc.
Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Console command to spawn weapons?
on: May 03, 2010, 09:50:41 AM
I wanted to test a weapon I was making, but Im not sure what command I would use to spawn it.
I want it to be admin only, its not like a super op gun, but just a clone of another weapon with a different model and such.
Im not perfect with garrys mod yet, and our server has sourcemod, I saw in the .lua there was a SWEP.Adminspawnable and I kept it at true.
my only question is how does that translate ingame? is it a command or do I need something else?
Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode
on: April 30, 2010, 10:17:19 AM
Also you know if you don't wanna recompile the lighting or vvis, you can just change the bsp and then hit no on the other 2 for recompile and only recompile the bsp.
of course I don't recommend huge changes, and theres a chance for errors, but it works both ways, you can skip the bsp compile and do only the lighting and vvis if you don't change map geometry.
so if you wanted to change just the fog, you don't have to run all 3 compilers, you could just run the .bsp one and keep the same vrad and vvis compile from before.