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News: Zombie Master 2 discussion

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Project] Operation Suburb on: March 19, 2010, 02:30:33 PM
BRING BACK ANDY P'S SHACK. It's still up for sale after noone bought it from downtown, however the equity has gone up so now the asking price is two ham rolls and a piece of half chewed gum.
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Do you use the DNA sampler? on: March 10, 2010, 02:09:20 PM
It's probably easier to put two and two together. For example you hear a rifle shot from a house, you catch a guy coming out from the other end but he's got a shotty, however just before he left you heard a gun drop inside so you go in and find a rifle nearby with a couple of shots missing. Then you either find a body inside, or perhaps someone outside was shot from this position, depends on the situation.

At this point using the DNA sampler would only be useful at confirming what you already know.

Some would say that the working out above isnt fair, but id say that is a pretty legitimate way of catching someone out and basically makes the DNA sampler almost redundant.
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 07, 2010, 01:23:08 PM
I sometimes get a glitch where I buy a traitor weapon and then without even bringing it out or mistakenly pressing it, people claim to have seen it.

I assume thats similar to how the crowbar goes invisible or how some people seem to have a knife but their innocent, or sometimes traitor but they claim they never had it out XD.
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Annoying bug. on: March 04, 2010, 01:58:16 PM
Yeah I was too when it happened to be fair. Had I known I would have taken a screeny.
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Annoying bug. on: March 03, 2010, 09:15:09 PM
Ok so about 30 minutes ago I just killed a fellow traitor because the game showed him as being a detective, right before I had a convenient power cut meaning he now thinks I did it on purpose and then quit.

Unfortunately I dont have a screeny as I didnt expect this to happen. The game also did not notify me of who my fellow traitors were either. Had I known this was a bug I would have done the record fix, unfortunately I did not.

Of course we all know about the traitors appearing as detectives, but not being notified of who is when you are one, is new to me. Just thought Id let people know about it so be aware.
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 09, 2010, 11:52:26 AM
The only map I really use c4 on is clue, then you are guaranteed to get at least 3 kills. Possibly on the thing testing chamber too, but I dont use it as often there.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Suggested player to Ban on Sight (BoS) "[DU]Reaper" on: December 11, 2009, 01:59:22 PM
Fag1: BAN GAYO1 he rdmed steamidlololol
fag2: HE RDMED WHEN HE EWAS TRATIOR steamidlolol

And so on.

That is what the thread will be filled with.

Indeed, but when someone is doing it on purpose....
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [AS] Alters - TTT Server - Garry's Mod [Issues Solved] on: December 10, 2009, 09:38:13 PM
Ah it may have been trite lol, i must have misread it although the steam id says tribe....
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [AS] Alters - TTT Server - Garry's Mod [Issues Solved] on: December 10, 2009, 03:49:33 PM
Ive just come to report a playe name nero
# 46 "Nero" STEAM_0:0:24001820 14:01 190 0 active

For killing another traitor for no apparant reason. We were playing that underground map and i shot one of the innocents in the back with a silenced pistol, the innocents started to accuse each other whereupon he goes ITS ANDREW!! and proceeds to shoot me.

His excuse was that I was too obvious.
Oh and he is also rdming pretty much everyone now, just an update lol. we're shooting him back but it does tend to make the server self destruct.
OH and he has a partner in crime named Tribe:
# 57 "Tribe" STEAM_0:1:9234764 01:28 87 0 active

Oh yeah and now they have changed their names to 'you' and 'me'.
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - Gmod-based serial killing on: November 23, 2009, 09:04:50 PM
Ah, up yours garry's mod.

ps: Just realised I should've mentioned this in the thread concerning Alters' server, not the general TTT thread XD.
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - Gmod-based serial killing on: November 23, 2009, 09:01:35 PM
Oh yeah the server seems to be a little dodgy at the moment, when I join I get some error involing a lua file and i have re-download the 17 new lua files each time. Only it disconnects me every time, in fact your probably already aware of this and most likely it's already fixed.

I did see someones name on there entitled: "restart steam to join" and he was in there with Jossi but i tried and that didnt work.
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Who can be RDMed, and who might already be ruining this game mode. on: November 20, 2009, 10:46:27 AM
Let's say you're running across a field and suddenly you get sniped in the head. Or you're running down a hall, you turn a corner and a guy shoots you in the face. You think "Oh wow, that totally came out of nowhere, how could he have known? What a lucky bastard. I feel really frustrated, and in my blind fit of rage and disbelief, I'm going to assume that he's just some idiot who's shooting at random people and just so happened to hit a traitor."

Well that's why you ask people why they killed you, if they cant come up with a proper answer beyond the pathetic: "i had a feeling" excuse then yeah it's an rdm.

And trust me, nothing is more annoying than getting killed as a traitor when you really havnt done anything. I use little tricks for traitors, well to be fair i just vocalise all the time telling people who im with and questioning their actions, ie: why are you following me?
There are also other little tricks such as going round a corner into a deserted alley and seeing if they follow, since they have no reason to come with you to an empty alley, that makes them extremely suspicious and ill make sure to avid them or keep a close eye on them, but it doesnt give me the right to shoot them on that evidence.
Besides ive been followed by innocents before and got a bit jumpy and shot them.

I do agree that the term rdm is used way too much and some people use it for anything. I wont lie ive had some rage times, i think about 3, however every single one was where someone has blatently rdmed me as a traitor not long into the round for the most pathetic of reasons or often for no reason atall.
13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Last words experiment on: October 24, 2009, 04:09:57 PM
Im liking this idea :D. Although it does mean that when i get traitor ill have to rely on manipulation tactics more, but then again i love those XD.
14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Making Innocence More Fun: The Thread on: October 23, 2009, 04:09:58 PM
Ill be honest, most of the time im just waiting to be shot because i dont mind dying as an innocent, waiting to be traitor is what most people do.
Also people themselves make the innocents less fun, the whole locking themselves in a building and ordering others to get out, while fair enough, means that people are increasingly forced to be antisocial and hide by themselves making them easier to pick off.

One traitor in a group of 3 or 4 people is less likely to do something unless he sees a perfect opportunity. This is one of the reasons why i love the thing so much, the lab feature is something id like to see more as it gives the innocents something to do besides the usual and it can be used tactical weapon against the traitors.

As an example i once had a game with 9 people meaning 2 traitors, anyhow we managed to test 3 of us, myself included, and this meant that we could all go off and barricade together or just as a team roaming around and in fact this won the round for us.

Next round the traitors revealed themselves too quickly as these new traitors didnt want to suffer the same fate as the other ones last round, so they rushed to the lab and started trying to kill people, unfortunately for them this got them killed from behind as someone else was bringing a test kit in and saw them.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Making Innocence More Fun: The Thread on: October 22, 2009, 06:39:17 PM
Well, if you can't kill someone very quickly (something pistols can't do) then you can't stop them from either shotgunning you or


And while things like "Creative" uses of barrels, psychology, heights, etc are possible, it isn't practical to expect every traitor to be able to pull off three successful kills that way.

But your focusing only on pistols, the equally available 'one-hit kill to the head' deagle is a great traitor weapon and lets not forget about the specialised menu weapons.
The whole point of being a traitor is that if your found out you probably will die pretty quick, although ive had a few games where i and loads of other traitors have slaughtered people, so you have to be clever and sneaky.

Ever had the max traitors, all of who have mics and good communication and then decided to go on a death squad rampage? It's rare sure but not that rare and it shows just how easily traitors could go off and blast people fps style. I enjoy doing it and it is very effective, but do you think that's how it should be played?

All im trying to do is suggest stuff that might make it easier for the innocents.
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Interest in developing TTT into a full-fledged Source mod? on: October 22, 2009, 06:33:00 PM
That looks like a fantastic mod, shame green isnt interested but i dont blame him, coding is hard work.
17  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Making Innocence More Fun: The Thread on: October 21, 2009, 05:36:59 PM
This opens up the issue of

"Well both mac10s and both shotguns were nicked by innocents so now the traitors are basically fucked"

They would have to be some pretty fucking shit traitors to only be effective with the primary weapons.

Yeah, the other round I was playing and I saw a pile of unidentified corpses on a bridge (I couldn't get to it from where I was, since it was that map with the random canyon). I started heading over and saw Andy P coming through the door; he'd just crossed the bridge without identifying any of them. Only a killer would do that. But this was the same server as the Sacmo incident (wherein a survivor charged me with a live powerline, almost killing me, and then acted surprised and offended when I killed him and explained he was an admin and if I pulled shit again I'd be banned) so I decided to refrain from offing him and just identify the bodies real quick.

He shoots me before I can so much as touch the first one.

On the subject of this i can see the logic and ive used it before to suspect people, if not act, but the thing is ive seen innocent's pass bodies TONS of times, even regulars who know about the identify system and the reason is that noone wants to get shot in the back while looking at the ground.
But if you had killed me and then explained your reasoning, it might not have been too bad. I normally just voice my suspicion's out loud before i do anything, even if i shoot them straight away.
18  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: RDMing and such on: October 21, 2009, 03:52:03 PM
Funny thing is i dont mind as long as it's justified, i did say you need solid evidence that they are a traitor and when i said solid i meant it as an expression.
For example if i were outside a room and someone came out with a shotgun after i had just heard shots in there, i would call that pretty good evidence for suspicion, if you go into the room and find a body well thats just perfect evidence isnt it.

The trouble with working out whether or not someone is a traitor is that its so flimsy, it can be twisted anyway you want. For example ive been killed before for walking through an area where my fellow traitor had just killed someone and i didnt know until i came through, unfortunately an innocent heard the shots and came to check the body, after finding out he had died to the same weapon i was carried he shot me just after voicing his suspicions.
Now that to me was pefectly fine i didnt mind atall since i could easily understand why he did it and the proof was there. However another time an innocent shot me just after i got chosen for the traitors on the grounds of, and i quote: "you were standing next to explosive barrels" now that, even though it shouldnt, gets my blood boiling since i had been there to get ammo not blow things up.

Then there are the bizarre arguments like the one that i had with Midknight the other day. The funny thing about that was that originally it hadnt been about a DM, it was because i had previously joked about how i used the c4's ability to go through the walls by planting it behind the lab outside of the building in that little alleyway.
By sheer coincedence i got traitor first round with Mack, cant remember the rest of his name, so i asked him to plant it there, as i was aware of what id said while preparing, while i was in the ice caves planting one in the little room. However I wanted to make sure he had planted it right so i came up to cover him at the alley, i didnt actually go in but i sat just outside the mouth on the one side.
Anyhow i was only there for about 1 second and a half and then i followed the innocent maruader across the street a bit hoping to catch him off guard, next thing i hear "ITS ANDY ITS ANDY HE PLANTED A C4 BEHIND THE LAB" 'shit' i thought and i tried to escape but midknight caught me and killed me but not before someone killed him. After my body was revealed he triumphantly cries: "ah i knew it" to which i jokingly replied "funny thing was i didnt plant that c4 i asked mack to, mine is down in the caves.".
I hadnt objected to the kill atall but the second i said that he got all defensive and started going on about how he had seen me plant the c4 and walk out of the alleyway. For some reason that pissed me off, it's like he was defensive because he did something he shouldnt, i mean i just assumed he had heard me on preparation and had put 2 and 2 together. I only made a poor joke.

Instead he made it sound like he had dmed me because after a stupid argument which i shouldnt have risen to he basically contradicted himself and went back on his story. But the point was i hadnt even been angry about the death because i thought it was justfied, it was his weird defensiveness and comments that pissed me off.

Also the thing about holding a room to yourself is it's only applicable on certain maps, I wont lie ive done it before and i used to dm a lot doing this when i first started playing, the thing map isnt too bad if there arent too many players but cluedo is just room city and they are so close together its impossble to avoid going inside one with someone else in there. I dont mind people holeing up as long as they say where and give a few warnings, i dont like walking into a place being told to leave and then shot about 3 seconds later, as for that thing about shooting a couple of guys who were with a traitor, that's just an accident i wouldnt call dm on that since it happens all the time.

Anyhow that's off the point a little and the point is that unfortunately the rules of dming do tend to change depending on who you are with and what you are doing.
19  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Making Innocence More Fun: The Thread on: October 16, 2009, 12:14:22 PM
I mentioned something to Jossirossi which wasnt really a boost for the innocents, but my idea was how about more mapmakers design their maps with fewer primary weapons. Instead have loads of pistols and a few deagles, this would mean that if someone died by a mac 10 and there are only 2 in the map it would make it a bit easier to deduce who the traitors were and it would force them to be more conservative in some of their methods.

It could work now, simply because the detective mode would allow this to work, whereas before it would be too unfair on the traitors.
20  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - Gmod-based serial killing on: October 16, 2009, 10:34:10 AM
I know this is contraversial and make be backlashed but i think there needs to be an immediate kill for RDMing innocents if you are not a traitor.

Now, the problem is people can grief it and run into your shots but those individuals can be dealt with.  I think people aren't afraid to make the wrong choice when shooting an individual, if they get slayed immediately after death, maybe just maybe they will watch their trigger finger.

Nah that would never work, not every RDM is from an arsehole, often its just plain accident. Also to repeat what Worbat said: admins really are the only answer. You cant take it into your own hands too often since it turns into a fuckfest, as ive had an argument about before.
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