Hi, I always wanted to make my own TTT server for my community, and would be nice for some help. Heres the steps I've taken so far:
1. Download cstrike and gmod server files
2. Made the server.cfg:
hostname "OutbreakGamers.com : TTT : 24/7"
rcon_password "snip"
sv_defaultgamemode "terrortown"
sv_scriptenforcer "1"
sv_password ""
sv_region "255"
sv_lan "0"
sv_alltalk "0"
fretta_voting "0"
ttt_minimum_players "1"
ttt_always_use_mapcycle "1"
3. Added some TTT maps.
4. Made the dedicated server launch parameters:
C:\Server\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +maxplayers 28 +map ttt_office_b1 +sv_defaultgamemode terrortown
I launched server, everything seemed fine, expect that my server.cfg is not working properly. I have added sv_scriptenforcer "1" but in the console, it says that scriptenforcer is off. I do not wish for cheaters to play on the server (whats the point of winning the game before you even start?)
Also, it would be nice to change the zoom-in of the M16 since its kinda laggy and a bit unrealistic (with the aim-down sight time). Is there any way to change how fast it is to aim-down the sight, and change how it looks when you do?
Thanks for any help at all.