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Author Topic: Trouble in Terrorist Town (Tips)  (Read 14583 times)

Posts: 52

« on: August 27, 2011, 01:28:52 AM »

I have seen very few of these with the reason being every server is different. Different rules, custom weapons, so on and so forth. This isn't intended to be some super mega guide but, rather some tips that have helped me with being a traitor. This guide is going to be written for vanilla servers and I hope you guys like it. I would like feedback too. Also if you have any tips for players you can leave them! Thanks :)

1. Communication - Depending on how many players there are effects the amount of traitors. For example lets say eight people. One detective and two traitors. You really need to communicate maybe you are trying to setup as a sniper and pick people off but, somebody is stocking you. This is why communication can be one of they key components to a victory.

2. Weaponry - It really comes down to what type of player you are and what type of people you are playing with. You can take a very defensive play style and burn everybody you kill with the (flare gun) that way no player can accuse you of killing. If you are a newer player I suggest using a knife since the knife is very quick and silent.Depending on the server you play the knife can be a one or two hit weapon. This maybe obvious for some but a tip to new players don't try to knife somebody that is facing you always try to get them from behind because, if it's a two hit knife it will take more time for them to turn around. Also I don't suggest trying to knife somebody while another player is in the room because, it can be very difficult to pull off a double kill. Veteran players shouldn't have a problem.

3. Don't Stalk people! - I know you would think this is a pretty obvious one but, too many times I see a traitor die just because they were following another player and wouldn't stop. If somebody is growing cautious of you walk in a different direction. Don't follow them! It's better to try and bump into somebody and shank them then to follow a guy get called out and then kill them.

4. Hide bodies - This is another pretty easy one. You don't want anybody who is not a Traitor to find the bodies you have killed because, Innocent can call the Detective to it and He will DNA it. If you killed him the DNA will lead to you no matter where you are. Thats why on some maps it's good to stick the bodies in the traitor room. That way no innocent or Detectives can find them.

5. Don't stick around! - After you kill somebody make like the wind and get out. It's not very good to find somebody standing over a bloody dead body. In most cases you will get killed if this happens. Get the hell out! Also players can see what he is killed by so if you killed him with a standard weapon like a Mac10 then drop it and find something else.

6. Teleportation - The Teleporter can be good for those tight situations for example if people are forcing you to go in the traitor tester. If you setup a tele spot. The minute you get into the tester hit your tele and get  into the traitor room set the trap plant a c4 and win???? haha no but it's a good way to escape >:)

7. Detectives - These guys should really be your first target since they are the highest threat to you. They can DNA bodies have highly powerful items and can be very dangerous if forgotten. Thats why I suggest you kill them first.

I hope this helps and maybe I can make more tips in the future for different roles :)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 12:55:09 PM by SovietX »

Be the best by any means necessary

Posts: 13

« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2011, 09:39:14 PM »

Do not say "_______ is randomly shooting me." instead say "_________ is shooting me, kill _____ on sight."

Do not think killing at least 1 person is good enough, as a traitor you should kill at least 3 people to not be a burden for your teammates.

People without microphones are easy targets.

Don't hesitate, but don't fuck up.

Killing at the beggining of a round is a smart idea since people are disorientated.

A great way to get someone to stand still is to say, "________ show me your pistol ammo"

If you idle for too long the innocents will begin to group up.

If innocents are camping a inside a room, C4 is your best buddy.

Never walk around holstered, you're displaying a sense of security and it makes you act more suspicious.

Never stand still, also gives away that you have a sense of security.

Buy radar after your second credit is given.

On dark maps or on large bodies of water a sniper + diguiser will give you multiple kills.

Discombobulators on tall buildings is a easy way to get a few kills without giving you away.

Following someone after they pass you makes you suspicious.

Do not forget how often you talk normally as an innocent, try to keep persistent with how much you talk normally.

Try to keep the innocents talking about a non-TTT subject.

There is much more you will learn over time.

Posts: 404

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2011, 10:00:10 PM »

Do not say "_______ is randomly shooting me." instead say "_________ is shooting me, kill _____ on sight."

Yes.  This is very true.  Also, don't talk about losing karma.  Whether it is for "legitimately" killing lots of innocents or trying to convince someone else not to kill you, just don't talk about it.  Same goes for whining about not being traitor.

Killing at the beggining of a round is a smart idea since people are disorientated.

Be careful for people that use their prep time wisely.  Some people actually pay attention to pre-round stuff.

A great way to get someone to stand still is to say, "________ show me your pistol ammo"

It's also great for killing traitors.
If you idle for too long the innocents will begin to group up.

Depends on who you're playing with.  I think this is something more common with newer or less skilled players, really.
Never walk around holstered, you're displaying a sense of security and it makes you act more suspicious.

I see what you're getting at and sometimes this is true, but it's much more suspicious (assuming you are playing with somewhat competent players) to have an instakill or otherwise threatening weapon out.

On dark maps or on large bodies of water a sniper + diguiser will give you multiple kills.

Disguisers are good on dark maps period.  The sniper is a good compliment, but even using the shotgun or MAC-10 is fine if you're in the right conditions.

Following someone after they pass you makes you suspicious.

Following or getting too close period is suspicious.

Do not forget how often you talk normally as an innocent, try to keep persistent with how much you talk normally.

Better yet, act the same in general as a traitor.  Metagaming is powerful in TTT.
Build Tester
Posts: 2338


« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2011, 07:28:38 PM »

Do not say "_______ is randomly shooting me." instead say "_________ is shooting me, kill _____ on sight."
Don't say "Kill on Sight", it makes you look bad.
A great way to get someone to stand still is to say, "________ show me your pistol ammo"
This is a pretty terrible tactic. You won't find many people who are willing to show you their pistol ammo, and they don't have to comply.
Never walk around holstered, you're displaying a sense of security and it makes you act more suspicious.
I disagree with this completely. If you're holstered, you have the opportunity to hug some people. They will feel violated but they won't consider you a traitor. Being holstered means nothing.
Buy radar after your second credit is given.
This is subjective.

Try to keep the innocents talking about a non-TTT subject.
Disagree on this. Although it's nice to get them to talk about Justin Bieber instead of who's traitor, they WILL be talking about Justin Bieber. Which is worse?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 07:31:32 PM by Charles445 »

del>Ok, so Bad King, you are just going to wait for Garry to fix?
What an idiotic thing to ask. Dammit weed.

Bookcases, Bookcases Everywhere

Posts: 404

« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2011, 08:22:46 PM »

Don't say "Kill on Sight", it makes you look bad.

Just for curiosity's sake: Who have you been playing with?  Saying KOS is perfectly normal.
This is a pretty terrible tactic. You won't find many people who are willing to show you their pistol ammo, and they don't have to comply.

Again, where have you been playing that the ammo check is terrible?  It is extremely effective for a variety of reasons.  You just have to be on your guard.  It does help, of course, if you have some kind of leverage (detective/confirmed inno, other person is suspect, something like that) so everything goes smoother.
I disagree with this completely. If you're holstered, you have the opportunity to hug some people. They will feel violated but they won't consider you a traitor. Being holstered means nothing.

There are instances in which not showing your primary or secondary is suspicious, though.  Usually being holstered is fine, but this isn't always the case.
Build Tester
Posts: 2338


« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2011, 12:40:43 AM »

I usually play on TNS, and never has going holstered been a problem for me.

del>Ok, so Bad King, you are just going to wait for Garry to fix?
What an idiotic thing to ask. Dammit weed.

Bookcases, Bookcases Everywhere
Shifty Pete

Posts: 74


« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2011, 11:19:29 AM »

If someone is calling you out as traitor, yell on your mic to KOS them over and over. Once that person is dead, people will slowly piece it together, so KOS the person who killed the other person. Repeat.


Posts: 52

« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 06:47:14 AM »

haha I like it

Be the best by any means necessary

Posts: 404

« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2011, 08:55:48 AM »

When you get desperate, camp unidentified corpses, preferably while out of view.  People are drawn to them like magnets.

Posts: 253

WzG Owner

« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2011, 06:49:29 PM »

Teleporter + Disguiser, Shoot up a group of people retreat, teleport, turn disguise off, ask "wtf is going on?"

Posts: 404

« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2011, 07:15:01 PM »

If you're going to check a body for credits, do so discreetly.  You don;t want anyone to know that you possibly stole the credits.  I've killed so many Ts over this.

If you're going to use your teleporter multiple times, make sure no one knows where it is.  They might camp it or piece together who is using it.  If necessary, change the location.

The HUGE plus disguiser and body armor is an excellent combination for going on a rampage without immediately being outed.

Being called out without a response from you is a death sentence in most cases.  If you think you're going to be called out, call the other person out first, making them look treacherous in calling you out first.  You might be a suspect or even KOS afterwards, but your job is much easier than immediately having everyone after you.

The silenced pistol is a very good ranged weapon and, really, weapon in general.  It does great damage on headshots, and people usually can't figure out where it's coming from.  If you're the kind of traitor that always buys knife, consider buying this instead and learning how to get good with it.

If you know the trajectory of the thrown knife, it is very useful at choke points, such as the blast doors on Nexus.  Just throw the knife from a decent range when the door opens and you'll probably kill the intruder if you have a decent grasp on the thrown knife.

C4s in popular traitor testers almost always wreak havoc.  If you don't mind being outed, you might camp the exit with a HUGE (and lay an incendiary down for good measure) and really put the pressure on the innocents from both sides.

If you're a "confimed inno" T, use the power, but don't lose the trust.  Call the shots, but make it look like you have a reason, or else people will suspect you or kill you outright.

You have so many different options for dealing with campers.  Incendiary, C4, and poltergeist are usually your best bets (depending on how the camping spot is set up).  Do note, however, that some maps have areas that are way too hard for Ts to infiltrate without being incredibly suspicious (especially at the end of the round) in which C4s and such are not very effective due to the distance.  Try to keep the innos from entering these areas, and if they do, kill them earlier in the round or at least have backup if it's near the end.  A decent inno won't let you close after a certain point.

If you can access an unid'd T body with no one around, usually you should either claim the kill or burn the body.  Do get credits when you can (silent id).
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 04:08:04 AM by GrayScare0 »

Posts: 253

WzG Owner

« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2011, 08:36:14 PM »

I found a silent pistol and disguiser is always fun, just shoot the fuck out of some poor innocent as he tries to call you out.
Build Tester
Posts: 2338


« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2011, 03:37:34 AM »

If you're going to check a body for credits, do so indiscreetly.  You don;t want anyone to know that you possibly stole the credits.  I've killed so many Ts over this.
You mean discreetly?
The HUGE plus disguiser and body armor is an excellent combination for going on a rampage without immediately being outed.
More like Mac 10, HUGE is a pretty terrible weapon.
C4s in popular traitor testers almost always wreak havoc.  If you don't mind being outed, you might camp the exit with a HUGE (and lay an incendiary down for good measure) and really put the pressure on the innocents from both sides.
Minus the loud beeping noise that's impossible to miss.

If you're a "confimed inno" T, use the power, but don't lose the trust.  Call the shots, but make it look like you have a reason, or else people will suspect you or kill you outright.
If you're "confirmed inno" as a fucking traitor, then you screwed the game up somehow for your fellow traitors. Nice going asshole.

Good tips other than those.

del>Ok, so Bad King, you are just going to wait for Garry to fix?
What an idiotic thing to ask. Dammit weed.

Bookcases, Bookcases Everywhere

Posts: 404

« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2011, 04:22:21 AM »

You mean discreetly?

Yes, yes I do.
More like Mac 10, HUGE is a pretty terrible weapon.

It is not half as versatile as the MAC-10.  That's true.  The HUGE is good, though, when you can't afford to reload.  Generally, when you're going all out against the innocents (three or more) to distract them or just do as much damage as you can before death, the HUGE is the best weapon to use.  If it's just a guy or two, the MAC-10 is fine, but the main disadvantage of the MAC-10 is reloading.
Minus the loud beeping noise that's impossible to miss.

Well, that would be part of the point, now, wouldn't it?  You want chaos.  The innocents have to either stop what they're doing and get out of there (where they will face you) or they will blow up.  Pressure from two sides.  I'm not talking stealth here.

C4 on the traitor tester is simply one of the best places to use C4.  You want to place it where people conglomerate.  Even if it doesn't kill anyone, you're still denying access to the checker.  So I'm not sure why it really matters how loud it is--either way, you're shutting down the clearing process.
If you're "confirmed inno" as a fucking traitor, then you screwed the game up somehow for your fellow traitors. Nice going asshole.

Why so vulgar?  Do you even know what this means?  It just means that the innocents screwed up.  I'm guessing you think I meant killing your teammate, but I never said this.  I'm talking about taking credit for killing your teammate or otherwise being cleared; it's a matter of how others perceive your innocence.  That's what being "confirmed innocent" means in gameplay.  Being cleared.  Please don't tell me you've never been trusted as a traitor; that you've never fooled the innocents into thinking that you're one of them.  It happens quite frequently.

Edit: Oh, and by the way, I played on TNS the other day.  The server was advertised as vanilla I believe (or maybe that was a different one? I was pretty sure it was TNS), but the knife was modded.  There were also no detectives when we had 8 people (2 Ts).  Those are both huge deviations from vanilla.

There were also some really annoying annoying aesthetic modifications.  People were wearing armor that made them look like Iron Man, and other people had trails.

Unless this was a different server (I did pub quite a few of them).  Regardless, I remember it being an...experience.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 04:49:19 AM by GrayScare0 »

Posts: 2

« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2011, 03:24:48 AM »

If the server has headcrab artillery, you can call in a headcrab can to block a door. Trapping innocents inside a building with the can, you can plant C4 at the door so they are stuck in their and doomed to an explosive death.

Posts: 13

Something Old, Something New

« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2011, 01:30:49 PM »

If the server has headcrab artillery

This sounds like weirdest custom weapon of all time.

Posts: 52

« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2011, 04:43:59 PM »

I've seen them before, but I don't know if that guys tip is right because, I'm pretty sure you can only call them outside.

Be the best by any means necessary

Posts: 253

WzG Owner

« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2011, 06:12:37 AM »

Flareguns cause quite a bit of confusion. Always a fun if your getting bored. Works as a barrel sniper as well although, a regular sniper works...

Posts: 178

|:NxS:| Staff! :D

« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2011, 11:19:02 AM »

I've seen them before, but I don't know if that guys tip is right because, I'm pretty sure you can only call them outside.

Only CALL them outside but you can still aim it too a doorway or through a window(its hard but possible)

Overtime these forums have made me an asshole. ;D (TTT subforum)
|:NxS:| Custom TTT Server: source.nxs-gaming.com:27016
|:NxS:| Vanilla TTT Server: source.nxs-gaming.com:27016
|:NxS:| Fretta: <COMING SOON>

Posts: 52

« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2012, 02:46:36 AM »

I was pretty satisfied with my tips post before but, it really only covered the role of Traitors. I'd like to finish it up and discuss the other two roles.
Once again feel free to post any comments, suggestions, or perhaps your own tips for new or veteran players :)


Detectives are pretty simply but, you would be surprised with how may new players join a server and are unfamiliar with how to play the role. I'lll give you a simple run down. The Detective is the most useful tool for the innocent to win without him, traitors don't have to worry about dna. DNA is a unique feature that this gamemode has. Once a body is killed when you press E on it information will come up telling you about his body. Things like what gun was used, the way he died, How long ago he died, etc. This is where you need to pull out your handy dandy DNA scanner and left click the body.  A little dna box will appear on you screen also letting you know how close you are. It will update every half a min. or so. Use your surroundings to your advantage. You see a gun near the dead body check the ammo, was it the same gun used to kill the body? Things like this will help you become a better Detective. Time is precious even in a video game. Don't take your time on your way to a body. DNA only will stay for so long. Always be one step head this is something that will help you come out winning fire fights.  Somebody is following you? Warn them tell them to walk the other way find a group. Chances are if they are traitor they aren't going to kill you in a group unless you get unlucky and walk into more traitors :) As a closing tip DNA DNA DNA don't under estimate it.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 02:47:54 AM by SovietX »

Be the best by any means necessary
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