hook.Add("PlayerDeath", "Kill and RDM Checker", function(vic, infl, att) if (vic.was_headshot == true) then print("Headpop Debug OK!") timer.Simple(0, function() local rag = vic.server_ragdoll rag:SetNetworkedInt( "InflateSize"..rag:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"), -100 ) end endend
if ( ( Killer:IsActiveTraitor() and Victim:IsActiveTraitor() ) or ( !Killer:IsActiveTraitor() and !Victim:IsActiveTraitor() ) ) and ( Killer ~= Victim ) then
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "PlDisc", function( pl ) for _, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if ( v:GetPData("ShowSid") == 1 ) then v:ChatPrint( pl:GetName().. ": " ..pl:SteamID() ) end endend )hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "PlSaytwo", function (ply, msg, team) if msg == "!hidesid" then ply:SetPData("HideSid",0) ply:ChatPrint( "Disabled ShowSid" ) end if msg == "!showsid" then ply:SetPData("ShowSid",1) ply:ChatPrint( "Enabled ShowSid" ) endend )
hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "PlDisctwo", function( pl ) for _, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if ( v:GetPData("ShowSid") == 1 ) then v:ChatPrint( pl:GetName().. ": " ..pl:SteamID() ) end endend )hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "PlSaytwo", function (ply, msg, team) if msg == "!hidesid" then ply:SetPData("ShowSid",0) ply:ChatPrint( "Disabled ShowSid" ) end if msg == "!showsid" then ply:SetPData("ShowSid",1) ply:ChatPrint( "Enabled ShowSid" ) end end )
if (v:GetPData("ShowSid") == "1" ) then
hook.Add( "TTTBeginRound", "TTT_kazquake_beginround", function() FailTimer = CurTime()end )hook.Add( "TTTEndRound", "TTT_kazquake_endround", function() for _, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if v:IsActiveTraitor() then Traitorsalive = Traitorsalive + 1 end end --If Traitorsalive == 0, then the traitors lost, ect... if !Traitorsalive then Traitorsalive = 0 end local currenttime = CurTime() if (Traitorsalive == 0) and ( currenttime < FailTimer + 20 ) then for _, pla in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do pla:ChatPrint("The traitors have failed!") end end ---- This resulted in the Traitorsalive == 0 always beeing true even when the traitors win ( which is wrong ). end )