What is CyberGmod?
CyberGmod is a community who strive to do the best they can, with that they have. We have a select few servers, which are Fretta and TerrorTown.
What is CyberGmod's TerrorTown like?
Our terrortown server is not one of those vanilla servers. It used to be, but player demand made us ay CyberGmod re-think, and so forth sprang the custom content.
We have quite a bit of custom content, the gamemode itself is edited, so Innocents have a buymenu, can grab credits from traitorous corpses, and buy themselves the "cool factor" items, such as glowsticks ;P
Most of our custom content is balanced, while the rest that aren't, have been taken off the server for the mean time. Until i can think of how to balance them.
We have a whole arsenel of guns, ranging from the default guns, to a p90, or a galil. I have implemented all the CSS weapons i could find, and i'm still going strong!
We have an automatic donation system. You donate, you recieve. But this does NOT mean that they will be admins, no. It means that they only get certain powerups, such as 10 extra health, a glock and voting abilities. You can see the rest over at the donation page.
The server is a 20 slot server, but 4 of the slots are reserved for admins / donators. So the max player count would be 16 with average players.
You can see our administrative team, and if they are ingame, over at http://cybergmod.net/team
Be forewarned, some of us can get rather eccentric at times :)
Recently, our server has got rather popular, normally in the 10 - 15 player range, in GMT afternoon.
The server is based in the UK, but we have traceroutes to most known ISP's, which should help keep your ping down. I know Meta-Stick has played, and his ping was about.. 120-160 at best.
We have a website, which is coded by myself, and my co-part Scorpy. You can hop on and see this over at http://cybergmod.net
You can alternatively see our TerrorTown MOTD, which has all the TerrorTown configs on the page, so if you have any qualms with the setup, you can post about it here. http://cybergmod.net/terrortownmotd.php
We try to keep it on the latest version of TerrorTown, straight from the SVN.
I think i've exhaused myself, so i don't think theres much else to write. I bid you adeau.
If you have any questions, post them here.
And no Trolling.
Join in! Give it a go!