First off, I'm completely noob to making items. I do use Google and find some things there so dont give me useless posts about Google, if you google it and find it great, tell me what google search words you used so I can learn what ever terms I'm not familiar with.
Everyone that we play with on our server loves one hit knifes. But every time we fix the knife to 100dmg it get overwritten by TTT update. So we decided to make a new knife-like weapon that was custom and wouldnt get overwritten. I'm following the TTT guide:
I'm a little lost on a couple things. What guies do you know of that help with making custom weapons in GMod. Here are just a couolpe of the examples I have come across in the shared.lua file alone:
SWEP.AmmoEnt = "item_ammo_<name>"
What do I do here for what is basically a knife with no ammo pickup?
SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.2
SWEP.Primary.Recoil = 0
SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true
SWEP.Primary.Damage = 20
SWEP.Primary.Cone = 0.1
SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "none"
SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 1
SWEP.Primary.ClipMax = 0
SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 45
SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound( "Weapon_AK47.Single" )
What do I do for this code
...and other questions. Any help or guides would be great(please dont send links to the LUA manual, only post if you really want to help). I just want to learn about lua through working on these custom weapons right now. thank you
EDIT: Just wanted to add a note that I'm useing the TTT knife lua to start with, but still want to know the above if anyone has some great tutorials. thanks