I am trying to add a new weapon, and I must say that http://ttt.badking.net/custom-weapon-guide , is un clear.
For example, they did not say what to do if I'm adding a custom model, rather than a CSS model.
C4 example:
SWEP.ViewModel = Model("models/weapons/v_c4.mdl")
SWEP.WorldModel = Model("models/weapons/w_c4.mdl")
There's so v_c4.mdl in gamemodes/ttt.folder , so I assume it's from CSS, and gets the model there..
But what should I do if I have a custom model , sound file , and most important what if weapon I'm adding has it's own lua.folder, and three lua files in it, cl_init, init and shared.
I'm trying to add this:
Best regards,