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News: Zombie Master 2 discussion

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Console Help on: February 29, 2012, 01:50:05 AM
My console keeps getting spammed. I wanted to know if anyone knew the cause / how to fix it. If it can't be fixed how would I stop it from filling my console. I tried google and it doesn't help at all. Thanks in advance for any help.

Seconds:0 Fraction:0.003906 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.009277 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.013550 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.017700 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.022339 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.026611 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.030762 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.035156 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.039307 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.043457 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.047607 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.052612 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.056885 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.061279 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.065796 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.070068 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.074219 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.078491 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.083374 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.087646 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.093628 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.099365 Sample:0  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.103760 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.107544 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.112915 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.117554 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.122314 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.127319 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.132202 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.136597 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.142212 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.147095 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.151733 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.156616 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.161133 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.165527 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.170776 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.175415 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.180420 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.185303 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.189941 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.194336 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.198730 Sample:1  L:0.300000 R:0.300000
Seconds:0 Fraction:0.204468 Sample:2  L:0.000000 R:0.000000
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Problem with Weapon Spawning on: November 03, 2011, 07:34:49 AM
It was fixed with the update. Thank you for the responses though :)
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Problem with Weapon Spawning on: October 31, 2011, 01:01:31 AM
People are playing on it, I thought you couldn't join an out of date server. Oh, it's a dedicated server if that make a difference.
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Problem with Weapon Spawning on: October 30, 2011, 11:18:40 PM
I posted in another topic and I got 1 response from Bad King and not much help. Here's the the summation of my problem:

1. The following line is printed before the error:
     Reading settings from script...

2. The error is:
     Timer Error: [@lua\includes\extensions\string.lua:34] bad argument #1 to 'string_gmatch' (string expected, got nil)

3. I have applied the fix from

If you guys can help me out, let me know.

General Info:
Dedicated server
Windows Server
Fast DL
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Source Mod on: October 30, 2011, 09:39:14 PM
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Source Mod on: October 29, 2011, 07:05:20 AM
Get the latest snapshot of sourcemod. Delete the gamedata and then upload the gamedata folder from the snapshot. It fixed the problem for my sever.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT problems since update? on: October 24, 2011, 11:45:52 PM
My personal server is windows. I do not know about my communities, but I've never had a problem with the files before the update. They were always mapname.txt.

Is there a more advanced debugger available? If I had one I'm sure I can fix it.
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT problems since update? on: October 24, 2011, 04:25:14 AM
Nothing spanws, not even players. Even with the fix posted here applied.

When I run in single player I get an error:
Reading settings from script...
Timer Error: [@lua\includes\extensions\string.lua:34] bad argument #1 to 'string_gmatch' (string expected, got nil)

This means it is happening in 1 of two methods:
local settings = ImportSettings(Map)     OR
if tobool(settings.replacespawns) then

because Reading settings from script is printed just before those lines and another statement is printed after. I think it is in the ImportSettings method because it does not print out "Invalid line " .. k .. " in " .. fname .. "\n"
there is a String.Explode in there.

Sorry if this isn't much help but I'm new to lua, I am used to java. If anyone knows a good program to debug this with other than gmod I'd be more than happy to help fix any errors people are having. Or if I can get gmod to trace and what not that would work too)
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT problems since update? on: October 24, 2011, 01:50:13 AM
This did not work for my server :(.
It also won't work for my lan server, which i use to test things. I get the same error.
g_string.match is looking for a str but getting nil. Not sure why. I'm looking into it.
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