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News: Trouble in Terrorist Town? Site here, forum here.

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Train's Contempt Trouble in Terrorist Town on: July 22, 2011, 11:41:33 PM
I don't have a website because i cannot afford it. Basically the server is just there to be played. Nothing else really. All donating does is help to keep the server up, and the perks you get from Donator are through plugins. I don't feel like explaining myself anymore... If you don't like it, don't join it. it's not a serious or community server. It's there, play it.
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Train's Contempt Trouble in Terrorist Town * Vanilla on: July 22, 2011, 11:21:36 PM
basic admin is admin, how the hell could you assume admin is donator?
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Train's Contempt Trouble in Terrorist Town * Vanilla on: July 22, 2011, 10:50:30 PM
you get access to commands, most of witch that do not effect gameplay.
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Train's Contempt Trouble in Terrorist Town * Vanilla on: July 22, 2011, 10:38:24 PM
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Train's Contempt Trouble in Terrorist Town * Vanilla on: July 22, 2011, 08:40:14 PM
Depends on if players actually like it or not, if it presumes to be dead after like a month or so, i may update to see if people rather custom content then vanilla.
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Train's Contempt Trouble in Terrorist Town on: July 22, 2011, 08:34:14 PM

Brand new Trouble in Terrorist Town Vanilla server looking for players!

Knives do 2000 Damage.

I am currently looking for admins, as i run the server by myself. You may purchase Donator. The server is barely 2 days old so understand it will take a while to get it populated.

I am looking for a Developer who can code LUA well. (Will get automatic Super Admin position)

Dedicated players who help indeed populate the server will be rewarded.

This is my first time hosting a TTT server, and all the work was done by me, and i'm the only one running it. So please if you can help in any way i would gladly appreciate your help. For example, i need a working MOTD, because i can't find any working ones that work with Evolve.

Don't get my confused for a noob. I'v ran my fair share of around 20-30 servers in my life time. Just i have never once ran a TTT. I do know LUA, but to an extent. Not enough at the moment, to edit any part of the TTT code.

This server is ran and maintained by Train. This thread will be updated as needed. Any questions? Add Pawnage224.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / TTT MOTD Tab help plox :D on: July 21, 2011, 12:34:24 AM
Mkay so here is the code for the cl_help (F1). What i want to do is add another tab for the MOTD. I have my HTML MOTD all ready to go, but im not sure how to create the tab. If anyone could maybe help me a little, or write a code for me, that would be great. I do code a little bit of LUA, just havent messed with DERMA or VGUI much.

---- Help screen

local GetTranslation = LANG.GetTranslation
local GetPTranslation = LANG.GetParamTranslation

CreateConVar("ttt_spectator_mode", "0")
CreateConVar("ttt_mute_team_check", "0")

CreateClientConVar("ttt_avoid_detective", "0", true, true)


function HELPSCRN:Show()
  local margin = 15
  local dframe = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  local w, h = 620, 470
  dframe:SetSize(w, h)

  local dbut = vgui.Create("DButton", dframe)
  local bw, bh = 50, 25
  dbut:SetSize(bw, bh)
  dbut:SetPos(w - bw - margin, h - bh - margin/2)
  dbut.DoClick = function() dframe:Close() end

  local dtabs = vgui.Create("DPropertySheet", dframe)
  dtabs:SetPos(margin, margin * 2)
  dtabs:SetSize(w - margin*2, h - margin*3 - bh)

  local padding = dtabs:GetPadding()

  padding = padding * 2

  local tutparent = vgui.Create("DPanel", dtabs)
  tutparent:StretchToParent(0, 0, 0, 0)


  dtabs:AddSheet(GetTranslation("help_tut"), tutparent, "gui/silkicons/add", false, false, GetTranslation("help_tut_tip"))

  local dfretta = vgui.Create("DPanel", dtabs)
  dtabs:AddSheet("Fretta", dfretta, "gui/silkicons/page", false, false, GetTranslation("help_fretta_tip"))

  local dsettings = vgui.Create("DPanelList", dtabs)

  --- Interface area

  local dgui = vgui.Create("DForm", dsettings)

  local cb = nil

  dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_tips"), "ttt_tips_enable")

  dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_voice"), "ttt_voicechat_topleft")

  cb = dgui:NumSlider(GetTranslation("set_startpopup"), "ttt_startpopup_duration", 0, 60, 0)


  dgui:NumSlider(GetTranslation("set_cross_opacity"), "ttt_ironsights_crosshair_opacity", 0, 1, 1)

  dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_cross_disable"), "ttt_disable_crosshair")

  dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_minimal_id"), "ttt_minimal_targetid")

  dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_healthlabel"), "ttt_health_label")

  cb = dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_lowsights"), "ttt_ironsights_lowered")

  cb = dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_fastsw"), "ttt_weaponswitcher_fast")

  cb = dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_wswitch"), "ttt_weaponswitcher_stay")

  cb = dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_cues"), "ttt_cl_soundcues")

  dgui:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_splash"), "ttt_cl_disable_frettasplash")


  --- Gameplay area

  local dplay = vgui.Create("DForm", dsettings)

  cb = dplay:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_avoid_det"), "ttt_avoid_detective")

  cb = dplay:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_specmode"), "ttt_spectator_mode")

  -- For some reason this one defaulted to on, unlike other checkboxes, so
  -- force it to the actual value of the cvar (which defaults to off)
  local mute = dplay:CheckBox(GetTranslation("set_mute"), "ttt_mute_team_check")


  --- Language area
  local dlanguage = vgui.Create("DForm", dsettings)

  local dlang = dlanguage:MultiChoice(GetTranslation("set_lang"), "ttt_language")

  dlang:AddChoice("Server default", "auto")
  for _, lang in pairs(LANG.GetLanguages()) do
      dlang:AddChoice(string.Capitalize(lang), lang)


  dtabs:AddSheet(GetTranslation("help_settings"), dsettings, "gui/silkicons/wrench", false, false, GetTranslation("help_settings_tip"))

  local dform_fretta = vgui.Create("DForm", dfretta)

  local dmodevote = vgui.Create("DButton", dform_fretta)
  dmodevote:SetSize(dmodevote:GetWide() + margin * 2, dmodevote:GetTall() + margin*2)
  dmodevote.ApplySchemeSettings = function() end

  dmodevote.DoClick = function(s)

  local voting = LocalPlayer():GetNWBool("WantsVote", false) or GetConVarNumber( "fretta_voting" ) == 0



local function ShowTTTHelp(ply, cmd, args)
concommand.Add("ttt_helpscreen", ShowTTTHelp)

-- Some spectator mode bookkeeping

local function SpectateCallback(cv, old, new)
  local num = tonumber(new)
  if num and (num == 0 or num == 1) then
      RunConsoleCommand("ttt_spectate", num)
cvars.AddChangeCallback("ttt_spectator_mode", SpectateCallback)

local function MuteTeamCallback(cv, old, new)
  local num = tonumber(new)
  if num and (num == 0 or num == 1) then
      RunConsoleCommand("ttt_mute_team", num)
cvars.AddChangeCallback("ttt_mute_team_check", MuteTeamCallback)

--- Tutorial

local imgpath = "VGUI/ttt/help/tut0%d"
local tutorial_pages = 6
function HELPSCRN:CreateTutorial(parent)
  local w, h = parent:GetSize()
  local m = 5

  local bg = vgui.Create("DColouredBox", parent)

  local tut = vgui.Create("DImage", parent)
  tut:StretchToParent(0, 0, 0, 0)

  tut:SetImage(Format(imgpath, 1))

  tut.current = 1

  local bw, bh = 100, 30

  local bar = vgui.Create("TTTProgressBar", parent)
  bar:SetSize(200, bh)
  bar:SetPos(0, 330)

  -- fixing your panels...
  bar.UpdateText = function(s)
                      s.Label:SetText(Format("%i / %i", s.m_iValue, s.m_iMax))


  local bnext = vgui.Create("DButton", parent)
  bnext:SetSize(bw, bh)
  bnext:SetPos(w - bw - 10, 330)

  local bprev = vgui.Create("DButton", parent)
  bprev:SetSize(bw, bh)
  bprev:SetPos(0, 330)

  bnext.DoClick = function()
                      if tut.current < tutorial_pages then
                        tut.current = tut.current + 1
                        tut:SetImage(Format(imgpath, tut.current))

  bprev.DoClick = function()
                      if tut.current > 1 then
                        tut.current = tut.current - 1
                        tut:SetImage(Format(imgpath, tut.current))

  bnext.ApplySchemeSettings = function() end
  bprev.ApplySchemeSettings = function() end

8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT Map weapon scripts not working on: July 20, 2011, 11:17:46 PM
Works perfectly fine, thanks for telling me haha, would have never thaught of trying it.
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT Map weapon scripts not working on: July 20, 2011, 11:00:13 PM
Never once thaught of that.. Let me try then report back.
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT SVN? on: July 17, 2011, 07:04:08 PM
Well, will we ever beable to obtain a copy of TTT period? Will he ever give the password, or remove it so people can perhaps get the files?
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT SVN? on: July 14, 2011, 05:50:57 PM
So how do you suggest i get the password? i cant find it anywere.
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT SVN? on: July 13, 2011, 10:11:59 PM
Whats the password to the SVN?
13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT Map weapon scripts not working on: July 13, 2011, 07:41:57 PM
It must be a CFG Problem, do i need to run the scripts through autoexec or something? or do i have to place the names in some file? idk exactly how the scripts work.
14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT Map weapon scripts not working on: July 13, 2011, 07:28:30 PM
Im not exactly sure were to check for that, but iv checked in data logs and everything and so far i see no errors, perhaps im looking in the wrong place though, only problem so far is that the weapon scripts arent working, and its got to be a CFG problem. it worked once before, but i had the CFG screwed up so it was reading it wrong.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT Map weapon scripts not working on: July 13, 2011, 07:14:22 PM
the gamemode works fine, i can press tab and see the scoreboard, and stuffs so i assume its working.

I can possed props, the menus work.
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / TTT Map weapon scripts not working on: July 13, 2011, 07:06:30 PM
Well, actually no maps are working with spawns. Like even ttt_maps have HL2: DM Weapons laying around. Heres my settings, can anyone tell me what may be wrong? I do have the weapon scripts there for every single map (I.E. dm_richland and dm_richland_ttt.txt)

// TTT Stuffz
fretta_voting 0
fretta_votesneeded 75
sv_downloadurl "http://myserversfastdownload.com/server"
sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_max_queries_sec 3
sv_max_queries_sec_global 100000
sv_scriptenforcer 1

ttt_preptime_seconds 30
ttt_firstpreptime 60
ttt_posttime_seconds 30
ttt_haste 1
ttt_haste_starting_minutes 0.5
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death 0.5
ttt_roundtime_minutes 10
ttt_round_limit 6
ttt_time_limit_minutes 75
ttt_always_use_mapcycle 0
ttt_fretta_mapvoting 1
ttt_fretta_votegracerounds 0
ttt_traitor_pct 0.25
ttt_traitor_max 4
ttt_detective_pct 0.25
ttt_detective_max 2
ttt_detective_min_players 5
ttt_detective_karma_min 600
ttt_killer_dna_range 550
ttt_killer_dna_basetime 100
ttt_voice_drain 0
ttt_voice_drain_normal 0
ttt_voice_drain_admin 0
ttt_voice_drain_recharge 0
ttt_minimum_players 2
ttt_postround_dm 1
ttt_dyingshot 0
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep 1
ttt_weapon_carrying 1
ttt_weapon_carrying_range 50
ttt_teleport_telefrags 1
ttt_ragdoll_pinning 1
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents 0
ttt_karma 1
ttt_karma_strict 0
ttt_karma_starting 1000
ttt_karma_max 1000
ttt_karma_ratio 0.001
ttt_karma_kill_penalty 15
ttt_karma_round_increment 5
ttt_karma_clean_bonus 30
ttt_karma_traitordmg_ratio 0.0003
ttt_karma_traitorkill_bonus 40
ttt_karma_low_autokick 1
ttt_karma_low_amount 450
ttt_karma_low_ban 1
ttt_karma_low_ban_minutes 60
ttt_karma_persist 1
ttt_karma_debugspam 0
ttt_karma_clean_half 0
ttt_use_weapon_spawn_scripts 1
ttt_credits_starting 2
ttt_credits_award_pct 0.35
ttt_credits_award_size 1
ttt_credits_award_repeat 1
ttt_credits_detectivekill 1
ttt_det_credits_starting 1
ttt_det_credits_traitorkill 1
ttt_det_credits_traitordead 0
ttt_spec_prop_control 1
ttt_spec_prop_base 8
ttt_spec_prop_maxpenalty -6
ttt_spec_prop_maxbonus 16
ttt_spec_prop_force 110
ttt_spec_prop_rechargetime 1
ttt_idle_limit 180
ttt_namechange_kick 1
ttt_namechange_bantime 0
ttt_ban_type evolve
ttt_detective_hats 1
ttt_ragdoll_collide 0
ttt_bots_are_spectators 0
ttt_debug_preventwin 0
ttt_locational_voice 1
ttt_allow_discomb_jump 0
ttt_spawn_wave_interval 0
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