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News: Zombie Master 2 discussion

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Traitor Equipment] Body Faker on: September 19, 2011, 12:53:50 AM
The shame of being the creator of a bumped thread....
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: July 16, 2011, 05:09:35 AM
Ello BKU, I was wondering if, when a Traitor, you could see your teammates OUTLINED, much like Left 4 Dead. This would help greatly (you know exactly where they are looking at, plus they're easier to look at). I think it would be a great upgrade agains't the red "T" in your teammates :P

EDIT: Also I believe the bodies of the players KILLED by flareguns should be ignited as well? :P
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: May 28, 2011, 12:48:54 AM
the "best" idea is to make a teleport that covers the whole map, so when round starts everyone is teleported to a random location BUT the traitors are teleported to traitor room.

of course, bad idea
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: One hit Knife on: April 27, 2011, 10:54:57 PM
Really Raneman? Trolling the TTT forums is your next goal?

And you're a kid too, so don't troll other people.
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Detective Equipment- Evidence Compiler on: April 04, 2011, 01:33:35 AM
Disclaimer: Quality of the human brain may vary please check store for details, if you believe you are in possession of a faulty human brain please order a replacement human brains can be purchased at your local high school or college, delivery times will vary.

You forgot to say the delivery doesn't work for all the people.
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Traitor Equipment] Body Faker on: April 03, 2011, 09:41:36 PM
I was going to say that Max LOL
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Credits As Rewards / Punishment? on: April 02, 2011, 05:22:15 PM
Hi guys, it's Epic Box here. In the ECG forums one of our members posted an interesting idea, I told him to post it on the TTT forums but he said he was quite busy, so I'm doing it for him. Here it goes anyways:

Quote from:  Curly Hooligan;34861
Just an idea to make credits for Traitors and Detectives more valuable and make people think twice about RDMing if they want their next Traitor round to be any fun.

Start basing the number of credits received by a Traitor or Detective on their karma, with full karma getting the full amount (and maybe a bonus credit) and as soon as you drop below 1000 karma you lose one credit (and maybe also the maximum number of credits you can hoard up) by 1, and another 1 for every 50 lost karma.

Another idea to do with credits would be to give Traitors a bonus credit each if the Traitors win consecutively, and Detectives get a bonus credit each if Innocents win consecutively.

I realise there's arguments against this idea, such as the difficulty to implement, and the fairness issues such as genuine accidental kills being penalised or Traitors being able to C4-spam because previous Traitor teams did well, but I just feel there's benefits to rewarding good play and punishing bad play with more than just "score" and "karma", which don't count for much even with the damage % modifiers.[/QUOTE]

What do you think? I think it's a pretty good idea.
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 31, 2011, 12:41:54 AM
When I try to add the TTT .fdg to Hammer, it freezes.
Also when I try to open the ttt vmf exampel files it freezes too. any ideaS?
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor Weapons on: March 23, 2011, 01:20:53 AM
Depends on the map. I'm a sniper, so bassically I go for a disguiser + teleporter combo (if I get a credit, I buy radar/C4/silenced pistol, depending on the situation).
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [request] Destruction of health station - end of round logs on: March 21, 2011, 07:49:15 PM
agree with this, innocents have no way to proove it wasnt RDM when this happens
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 21, 2011, 02:02:22 AM
Or I would say make the doorframe a func_door_rotating entity, and the glass inside the frame should be breakable (parent it to the door). Make sure the space inside the doorframe is big enough to let a player in. (A character model is 32 units wide/depth and 72 units tall)
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 17, 2011, 01:48:41 AM
AMAZING Silver, <3 I gotta say lots of thanks. If I ever finish my map you'll be on support :)
13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: March 15, 2011, 11:44:34 PM
Hey, I've got a problem here:

Let's say that at the round start, one player gets randomly choosed to be teleported to an X destination (the player can only be detective or innocent). How do I make it so only one random player is choosen?

14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: The Newton Launcher- The new greatest traitor equipment. on: March 09, 2011, 11:25:11 PM
Agree with handy... I did that a lot of times, but JUST when its the "messing around" time on the servers (like 5 or 6 people on) and tried to test stuff :) But when its "serious game" time you can't really do that, at least you're prooven inno with a newton.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Traitor Equipment] Body Faker on: February 28, 2011, 07:58:03 PM
It would be a bit overpowered to be honest, say one of your buddies is called out and everyone is looking for them, you could just drop a body and go HAY GUYS I KILLED HIM IM INNO, then people think you are innocent and stop looking for your buddy.

Also in the 2v1 situations, you either dont reply and hide so they think you are dead, roam about and pick them off or dont let yourself get into that situation as often by killing the detectives asap (Which traitors should be trying to do anyway)

It may be a bit overpowered indeed. But traitors can only use it once, and costs 1 credit (much like the knife). Maybe, if you drop a traitor fake-body, the DNA will lead to the "owner" of the body (yeah complicated... EI: I'm Epic Box, my friend Rookie drops a body of me, the DNA of the body will lead to me).
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [Traitor Equipment] Body Faker on: February 28, 2011, 02:34:19 AM
Really? :) didn't knew that, maybe BKU may implement it...
17  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / [Traitor Equipment] Body Faker on: February 27, 2011, 04:53:18 PM
Hmmmmmm. Hi.

So while I was playing TTT yesterday I had another idea (like always  :D).

So what happened yesterday?

There was the classic 3-players-alive crap, 1 detective, and 2 terrorists; of course, one of them was the traitor. So, classic one, the detective said "You both fight it out." And you KNOW that its a dead-end, if traitor wins, detective knows he is the traitor, if traitor dies, innocents win.

Yesterday it was different though, there were 4 players alive: 1 traitor, 2 innocents and 1 detective. The traitor was disguised = same classic scene, only 3 blips on detective's radar, the innos had a fight, detective killed the survivor, traitor killed the detective.

So what's my idea?


It's a traitor active equipment. When you buy it (1 credit) a new tab appears in the context menu, much like the radio or disguiser.

In this tab you'll see some stuff:

Name: [another tab appears here, showing all the name of the players in the server, dead or alive]

Death: [tab with all the weapons in the game]

So what's this?

In the name thingy, you choose the name of a player(in the tab).

In the death thingy, you choose the type of death (M16, Deagle, Pistol, Shotgun, Scouts, Mac10 [and the other weapons], fall do death, crushed, burn do death or suicide).

I.E: Name: Epic Box
      Death: Crushed

As soon as you buy a "body", in your weapon slots you'll have the "Body Faker" slot.

When you hold the Body, it works much like the radio, it looks like you're holstered until you drop it.

So when you drop it, you'll drop an unidentified body. This body will have the info you put in: Name and type of death.

How long ago did he die? He "died" when you dropped it, the timer starts there. Does it has DNA? Yes, for 30 seconds or so, and it leads to the dropper.

Why would this be useful?

For a lot of situations:

Let's say everyone is prooven inno, but 2 guys. Classic line: "Fight it out." Instead of killing him, making people know you're a traitor, etc etc, just drop your own "body". People will ID it, then say "So the other guy is the traitor" Bam, death, confussion.

Of course, the better you can do its to drop a body of a traitor, because if you drop the body of an alive AND inno player, the player will see his name in the screen, of course saying "That's a fakebody!"

Another tactic: You're a traitor, but people know that your buddy is a traitor, so he is hiding. What to do? Drop a body of him and ID it right away. If there's a detective nearby, he will DNA the body, leading to you, making him think you are an innocent, and forgetting the other traitor (until he shows up, of course, but if he does he will screw his teammate's position).

This would add even more mystery to the game "Was that a fakebody, is it real?" Etc, etc.

So what do you think guys? Would this be worth it?


18  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 27, 2011, 04:30:03 PM
Hey guys, I just saw the new quick-chat animations today >.<

Could someone please tell me which binds = animation?

I.E: "Yes" = Wave
And so on.
19  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: ttt_67th_way on: February 27, 2011, 03:49:40 AM
How does it breaks? Crowbar spam? Maybe Traitors must spend a credit to shut it down, and Detectives must put a credit to turn it on (much like Cloverfield)?
20  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Traitor Equipment: Mute on: February 17, 2011, 02:58:40 AM
Note: This is not an admin command LOL.

Anyways, I've been thinking for some time now, and I'm sure this would be an amazing TTT feature (not sure if you guys do though  :shh:).

So what's this equipment?

It's bassically a weapon you plant in the floor, ceiling or wall (like a Decoy or C4). When you plant it, a "sphere" (like the Visualizer sphere, just that this is a "full" sphere) appears. It's a red sphere that goes through walls, ceilings, etc. Only traitors can see the spheres. The spheres are big enough to cover a whole Richland apartment (this may change though).

What happens with the spheres then? Well, they "isolate" the players. WHAT? Well, when you're inside a sphere, you cant communicate with the players outside the sphere. And the players outside the sphere can't communicate with the players inside it.

NOTE: If you actually type something before you die, Last Words will still show up when you ID a body.

Mute costs 1 credit, can be bought only once. When you plant it you can take it back and plant it somewhere else.

So in a 32 player server, 6 mutes can be bought and used. Overpowered? Keep reading.

When an Inno/Detective finds a Mute [Mine] and he presses E, he has 2 choices:

- Destroy it
- Activate it

Activate it? WHAT? Well, when you activate it all Innos and Detectives will be able to see the sphere, once activated you can't disactivate it, at least you destroy it.

Why would you activate it? A beacon appears. :O The planter will be "beaconed" for a few time (10-20 seconds). Only the "activator" will see the beaconed player.

"THIS IS AWFUL". No. Why would it be implemented?

- Traitors can "activate it" too. If you activate it, no one else will be able to do so = no beacon. But, of course, you can lie.

>>> Activate it
>>> Lie about a player being beaconed

- You can lure the innos into the mute zones, and take them out silently.

- Every sound inside the sphere is isolated too. Your victim yells? No problem. Your gun is too loud? Who cares - not the ones outside the sphere. The gunfire is isolated, EVERYTHING.

This may need some improvements, but this is the base idea. Comment if you like it (or not)!

Epic Hug,
Epic Box.

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