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News: Zombie Master 2 discussion

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Pistol balancing on: October 17, 2010, 01:37:37 AM
A headshot deals 70+ damage against a target without body armour.
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Teleporter ideas on: October 17, 2010, 01:36:46 AM
I think that when you leave a teleporter all destructable props should be destroyed, and weapons/items don't cause a telefrag.
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor Weapon Idea on: October 16, 2010, 10:11:27 AM
What if they enabled Kill after the round? Everyone would just shoot everyone and RDM would occour....

Yes, every game I've played has always ended in post-round RDM. This will just cause karma bans.
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / TRAITORS - What is your favourite tactic? on: October 15, 2010, 07:47:36 PM
To all traitors out there - What is your favourite approach to killing all of those terrorists sonsabitches?

I like to go rambo - buy body armour, radar, 10 shots of vodka and kill anyone I see without regards to my own safety, usually works most of the time.
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: New traitor item - frag grenade. on: October 15, 2010, 09:06:45 AM
You can no longer Poltergeist corpses

Edit: (When I tried I failed, maybe I suck)

You CAN poltergeist corpses, but the damage is chaotic. There's a big difference between being hit by a limb and a torso.
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: New Ideas!!! on: October 15, 2010, 01:08:40 AM
If a player finds a locked door it would mean that a traitor is very close, which could work against the traitor if he's trapped.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor item suggestion - Decoy on: October 15, 2010, 01:02:50 AM
It should have some sort of distinct glow, and maybe even a low hum.

It wouldn't work on small maps, like Clue
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: New traitor item - frag grenade. on: October 14, 2010, 02:21:15 PM
I was just thinking of the exact same thing yesterday, but I figured it's too overpowered. Imagine if many innocents were bunched up together and there was grenade spam. They wouldn't stand a chance.

If it was implemented though, I would personally recommend it does x2 the damage of an incendiary grenade explosion with the same explosive radius.

Edit: It should also have a discombobulating effect - It doesn't throw props/players around but it disorientates their camera.
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Knife balance discussion on: October 14, 2010, 12:07:58 AM
I've gotten over the knife withdrawal.

I use a teleporter instead
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor item suggestion - Decoy on: October 13, 2010, 12:57:35 PM
I just tested the decoy, and I like it. I was able to plant it, split up the group and take out the stragglers, leaving the remaining players too weak to take me down.

There's one problem though, I can throw the decoy down anywhere. It needs to stick to a surface, otherwise it can be thrown somewhere no one can get at.
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: duel pistols on: October 10, 2010, 11:00:06 AM
Could you describe the problem specifically?
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: duel pistols on: October 10, 2010, 10:47:03 AM
Can the secondary fire on weapons have a clip size and reload function?
13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: DNA scans from Unidentified corpses on: October 10, 2010, 09:05:10 AM
That's a point, I suppose traitors need to be protected from surprise attacks
14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Knife balance discussion (was: 'Knife "nerf"...') on: October 10, 2010, 06:57:38 AM
I don't know how well Gmod and LUA can handle the detection of back stabs and headstabs (worst.... hitboxes... ever)

I've seen something similar work on Ultimate Chimera Hunt servers, where a player has to get behind a chimera for his attacks to be effective. It looks pretty stable.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / DNA scans from Unidentified corpses on: October 10, 2010, 06:55:55 AM
A recent patch has made it necessary to Identify a corpse before gathering a DNA sample, though I may wish to scan a body without revealing that I know a player has been killed. Scanning an unidentified body will allow me to track the killer without him being aware that he's actually being tracked and at the same time giving me an advantage by making remaining Traitors think that I'm not aware of who they are when there are only a few players left.

In essence, it helps players identify traitors without them knowing about it.

What I'm suggesting is that the patch change is undone.
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Knife balance discussion (was: 'Knife "nerf"...') on: October 10, 2010, 06:20:31 AM
Ever since the knife nerf I've never actually used it because there's more effective ways to kill a wounded player.

What I propose is that the knife becomes even more useless for frontal attacks, but becomes instant kill for attacks made from behind. This makes it ineffective against people who are keeping an eye on you, emphasizing its usage in sneak attacks and at the same time giving the attacked player a chance to fight back if he becomes aware.

The way I figured it out the knife was used to simply kill players when you got close to them. It's basically the same now, except its only effective against wounded players. With my option it instead punishes players who are not paying attention rather than those who are wounded. If you are able to get close enough behind a wounded player then you might as well either shoot them, or beat them to death with a crowbar, that way you don't leave a knife behind.

You could also make it so throwing the knife uses a different mechanic, where it deals 50 damage regardless, in case you feel like taking on a player head on
17  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor item suggestion - Decoy on: October 10, 2010, 05:52:19 AM
I have another idea; adding in an element of caution for the Traitors.

If a Traitor fails to hide his decoy well enough a player who finds it may silently turn it off rather than destroying it, exposing the Traitor to DNA/Radar scans without alterting him.
18  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: (Idea) Opt In/Out To Be Detective on: October 10, 2010, 05:45:29 AM
I like the idea, the option can be presented to players who have never been to a particular TTT server before.

If this idea passes, I'd like to propose an option to opt out of being a Traitor in rounds with more than 12 people

19  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Traitor item suggestion - Decoy on: October 09, 2010, 06:34:35 PM
"Finished scripting it, but I have one question- Should you have a option to turn it on/off or should it just be a on button and a 'battery' bar. It's currently set up to avoid 4 DNA scans."

Whatever seems like the most balanced option
20  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / New Detective ability - Deputize on: October 08, 2010, 06:00:48 PM
Detectives, ever been in a situation where someone has proven their innocence, yet they still fall prey to oversuspecting teammates? Find that no matter how many times you speak on the behalf of a friend no one seems to listen? Feeling hopeless about the ineptness of your fellow traitors? Well now there's DEPUTIZE!

Seen someone deliver the final blow to a Traitor? Award them with a DEPUTIZE and make everyone know that they are indeed the terrorist's best friend!

DEPUTIZE is easy to use, all you need to do is select the name of the player in the TAB menu, and along with the tags "Friendly, Suspect, Avoid and Kill" Detectives will be able to mark them as a Deputy, which will show up on everyone's TAB menu; making them aware that they have a new ally whom they can trust!

Not only will a Deputy be nigh-beyond suspicion, but he will also have access to the Detective's personal Teamchat, allowing Detectives and himself to communicate without the awareness of other teammates.

But be careful though, a crafty Traitor may convince a Detective that he deserves to be a Deputy!


A Detective has the ability to mark a player as a Deputy, which will show up on everyone's TAB menu.

A Detective may add and remove Deputies at any time.

When a person becomes a deputy, or is stripped of that rank, an announcement will appear on everyones screen.

A person will show up as a Deputy on the HUD of a player who is facing them.

DEPUTIZE is an innate Detective ability.

Uses: Allows a player who has proven his innocence to a Detective to be beyond suspicion to his teammates, acting as a second-in-command to other terrorists.

Allows a Traitor who is fortunate enough to assume the title of Deputy to play everyone against each other.

Makes the Detective someone who is more more useful than providing DNA scans and health stations.

Get your DEPUTIZE today!

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