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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Inno objectives and hostile NPCs? on: March 15, 2011, 06:01:43 PM
So the way it's set up right now, you spawn in a room where your van just crashed through the wall, leaving (somehow all 6-12 of) you in this building. (Since I'm a terrible and incredibly novice mapper, it's just a "generic industrial building.") There's several (maybe five) "packages" in the van that you have to pull out, but you have to do it kind of quickly because metropolice will start to spawn down the road and move in on you (no more than like three at a time; mainly just to get people to get the packages out of the truck quickly). From there, you have to carry the packages quite a ways through the map to the garage area, where a guy in a truck is waiting for you. There's going to be several ways to get to the garage, so as to leave room for the traitors to pretend like they're carrying the packages but then go and hide them somewhere. There's also other packages scattered throughout the map, some of which may not appear every time. Once the innocents get a certain number (twenty?) of packages into the truck, the garage door opens, and the truck drives away, resulting in a terrorist victory.

I'm still working out how a bunch of the finer points are going to work: will there be a traitor room? Will there be some sort of trigger volume that can destroys packages put into it? Will there be other objectives that must be accomplished to get the getaway vehicle ready, to further spread the terrorists out and expose them to traitors?

I'm working on this pretty much just for fun, hoping for a completed product that looks and works alright, but it won't be anywhere near the greatest-looking map ever.

Thanks for the input, though, guys! Any other suggestions are welcome. Maybe I'll post some screenshots or video of what I have so far later today.
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Inno objectives and hostile NPCs? on: March 15, 2011, 12:05:56 AM
Hey y'all.

I've been playing TTT for awhile now, and while it's one of the most fun gamemodes Gmod has to offer, there's one thing that just plain sucks about it: there's nothing to do when you're innocent other than prove your innocence and/or run around and wait to die.

So I had this idea for a map: the terrorists are hauling some sort of illicit good (drugs, bombs, anthrax, weapons, money, or what have you), and the innocents are trying to get all of these props that're scattered about the map into a truck or something. I haven't thought about the balance too much, but one possible idea is that the illicit props can be taken out of the goal-container by the traitors, and possibly destroy them. Once a certain portion of the props are destroyed, an easy innocent victory is no longer possible.

So what do you guys think of this idea? I'm not a great mapper by any means, but I have a working prototype of this idea and I'm just fooling around with it at the moment, trying to do stuff like have the props spawn in random locations to keep things varied and less predictable.

My other idea for a possible feature that a map could have to spice things up is hostile NPCs. On this same map that I'm toying around with, I have an NPC spawner that makes metropolice outside of the building that the map takes place in. They are unreachable, but they can be killed and they can kill you. Would this feature automatically be really annoying or do you think it could be used effectively if it's not too overpowering?
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: August 23, 2010, 10:13:31 PM
I ended up trying the logic_compare thing, and that didn't work either.

What the problem ended up being was, ttt_weaponcheck checks for players whose origin is in the volume, and my metal-detector thing was too small. I ended up making it a sort of small tunnel with the trigger in the middle but the ttt_weaponcheck taking up the whole thing.
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Mapping Q&A on: August 23, 2010, 07:23:27 PM
Hey, all. I'm new to TTT mapping, and I haven't used Hammer in months, so forgive me if I'm being absolutely retarded, but I can't seem to get a metal detector to work.

I want to have a metal detector that the players can walk through to check and see if they have any terrorist equipment on them. I have a trigger_multiple and a ttt_weapon_check in the same spot. The trigger_multiple has an Output: OnTrigger, <name of the ttt_weapon_check>, CheckForType, 3. The ttt_weapon_check has an Output: WeaponsFound, <name of an env_sprite>, ShowSprite.

This all looks logical to me, but the light goes on whenever I walk through the detector, regardless of what I'm carrying, even if I'm only carrying the stock equipment.
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