Well for my first one...I cant get custom models to work with TTT. Im sorry if I missed a sickie topic, but I cant get custom weapon models to work. We're talking about the usual going on fpsbanana, downloading some assault rifle from MW2 and downloading it bla bla bla, Hexing the model and creating lua files for it. But for me, it wont work.
I downloaded the custom weapon from fpsbanana.
I hexed the world and view models of the weapon
I have placed the models and weapons and scripts into the terrortown folder. I did the shared.lua for standard TTT weapons but no dice. I got the sound to work but it just reads off of counter strike for some reason. When I go ingame, I can hear the firing sound and what not, but it looks like im holding big giant errors above my head.
My second one, is there any way to new weapons easier like the creator did with the: "cs_office_ttt.txt" files with the ordinates and everything. Do I need to go into gmod itself and get the cord-nits and copy n' pasta into a new file?