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News: Zombie Master 2 discussion

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: TTT Ideas/Suggestions on: June 25, 2010, 06:21:55 PM
Thanks for the feedback I'll think about those flaws.
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / TTT Ideas/Suggestions on: June 25, 2010, 03:36:06 PM
Traitor Items

1. Name: Defector
Cost: 1
Description: The Defector is a very cool weapon. The model(when equipped) can be a magneto-stick or the holster. The main function of it is to make an innocent's profile mark itself as a traitor. The victim will not know he was marked till he dies. The traitor can use this to gain trust or simply get an easy kill after giving a reason like "Oh he shot me first" or "He had a knife". Marked victims will have a yellow "D" or something to show he is marked to a traitor. It could possibly only last 3:00 minutes which starts as soon as the victim is dead. The timer should or shouldn't exist I don't know you guys choose.
A. Useful in gaining trust
B. Model not a give away
C. Marks innocents secretly
D. Secondary will unmark a innocent

A. One shot
B. Suspicious holster/magneto-stick equiped
C. Can't mark detectives for obvious reasons
D(MAYBE). Lasts 3:00 minutes

2.Name: Body Snatcher
Cost: 1
Description: A very nifty piece of equipment. The main function is to switch the names from victim to traitor. Here is how to use this properly. The traitor kills an innocent(victim) secretly. The traitor doesn't check the body. He pulls out the "Body Snatcher" and fires at the victim's corpse. this will change the identities of the both men/women( E.I. victim "Bob" and killer "Dan" switch their names.). for now on the traitor will be known as the "victim" and the unidentified body the traitor's name, remember the "Body Snatcher" ONLY swaps the names not their team. I decided it should be named "Body Snatcher" since it sounds cooler than "Name Snatcher". The model will be a book so that they "Swap identities(Books)." sort of say.
A. Very useful
B. Secretive
C. Anything else you can think of.

A. Players become suspicious if traitor uses mic if the victim didn't have one or vise versa
B. One chance
C. Anything else you can think of.

Detective Items

1. Name: Identity Checker
Cost: 1
Description: The "Identity Checker" will counter the two traitor weapons. Its main function is to reveal the real Identity of the person that the detective chooses. It has infinity uses but has to recharge per use. Also the recharge time increases each time the identity of the person is true. NOTE that this does not reveal a traitor unless its obvious. For example Traitor "Bob" used the "Defector" on victim "Carl" and kills Carl. Detective "Jim" come in and uses the Identity Checker on Bob which proves he is Bob. Jim waits abit and checks Carl's body which says "traitor". Jim uses the recharged Identity Checker on Carl's corpse which reveals he was innocent after all.
A. Very useful
B. Infinity uses
C. Anything else you can think of.

A. Recharge Penalty
B. Anything else you can thing of.

THANKS to my friend Elrodeo for the idea about the "Identity Checker" since I couldn't think of a better counter item.
Please give me feedback whether these are good ideas.
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