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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: ttt_print_adminreport on: March 15, 2011, 12:29:08 PM
I would prefer it stays as SuperAdmin.
Due to my donators having "Admin" rank.
They have no Admin powers (everything in Admin rank is disabled), It's just that I need to give them Admin rank, for the reserved slot access, and access to the cross server chat.

Granted this is just for my setup, However their might be other servers that use the same kind of config.
However if the cvar was added, as long as it defaults to superadmin, I guess there would be no problems.....
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 12, 2011, 09:54:54 AM
I have noticed slight strange behaviour with TTT from svn r910
At the start of each preparing phase it updates the servers sv_tags.
Only seen it on my Fretta server since it has players on it, TTT server is empty at the moment.
However it keeps doing this at start of preparing phase.

09:48:29 L 03/12/2011 - 09:48:31: Round ended.
09:48:29 L 03/12/2011 - 09:48:31: Result: innocent win.
09:49:00 L 03/12/2011 - 09:49:01: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "FRETTA,Mogz,UK,garrysmod114,gm:pedobear,gm:terrortown,scriptenforcer,ttt,ttt:custom_weapons"

So acoring to that it is running 2 gamemodes. pedobear escape & TTT.
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 01, 2011, 05:07:15 PM
Ahh it only done it once as I joined.
I think it was right at the round end/Round start point.

So it might just have been a little bug with me joining at the exact point it went from round end to prep stage.

Also would it be possible to add some sort of colour to the radio messages?
As players have started making key binds to say playerx is a traitor. (due to them thinking it's fun or they don't like that player for whatever reason)
And it has at times caused that player to get killed.

Granted it really just comes down to players not paying attention, and believing everything they read.
But at times we do seem to get a few players in TTT who seem to have really low IQ...
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: March 01, 2011, 04:28:40 PM
Just noticed this when I joined my server (using TTT from r878)

[terrortown\gamemode\cl_voice.lua:400] attempt to call method 'AnimPerformGesture' (a nil value)

It's shown client side, no errors in server console.
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: ttt_67th_way on: February 23, 2011, 01:04:05 PM
One problem I have noticed is the drop down to teleporter room in the shooting range.
Innocents have a habit, or getting a prop like a leather chair, taking that with them.
Falling down into that teleporter room, then placing the chair in the water.
So if anyone else try to drop down they land on the chair and get killed.

So it's really making it a safe room for Innocents, since the traitors can't get to them, and it turns into a 8 minute wait for time to run out.
6  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: [RELEASE] ttt_slumcity_b2 on: February 23, 2011, 10:40:47 AM
The map still has the code for changing your player model in it.
Granted not as bad as the code for making you Traitor.

Just thought I would let you know incase anyone else sees that and decides not to add your map.
7  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: ttt_67th_way on: February 23, 2011, 10:19:21 AM
You have definitely created a popular map.
For about 4 hours yesterday on my Fretta server, it was constant Votes for TTT and Votes for your map.

Was kind of a weird sight to see all players voting for the same gamemode and same map.
And not complaining about gamemode or map choice... :)
8  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: ttt_67th_way on: February 21, 2011, 06:34:29 PM
Had to lol 1st time this was played on my server.
Player got killed by car at tunnel. 5 other players ran over to investigate his death a minute or so later, 5 players got killed by car coming out of tunnel :D

And at that point the players decided that playing chicken with the cars would be more fun.
The cars ended up with more kills than the 4 Traitors combined :D
9  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Please help with end round music? on: February 20, 2011, 02:07:47 PM
And if you want to use 3 different sounds for Traitor Win, Innocent Win & Timeout Win you can do this.


local function PlayMusic(wintype)
  if wintype == WIN_INNOCENT then

  elseif wintype == WIN_TRAITOR then

  elseif wintype == WIN_TIMELIMIT then
hook.Add("TTTEndRound", "MyMusic", PlayMusic)
10  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Please help with end round music? on: February 19, 2011, 10:18:12 AM
In my end of round music .lua file I have it as sound/ for the AddFile. (change it from sound\innomusic.wav to sound/innomusic.wav)
And for the playsound part remove the sound\ part as it is not needed.
The playsound always looks in the sound directory, so yours is looking in sound/sound/innomusic.wav

Also my hook.add is hook.Add("TTTEndRound", "MyMusic", PlayMusic)
That was taken from the example BKU posted.
11  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 17, 2011, 06:46:48 AM
The visuliser is vanishing when you drop it.

In TTT v23 it works fine, in TTT v24 (svn r850) it vanishes when you throw it onto floor.
12  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 15, 2011, 01:26:11 PM
The problem I'm having with the visuliser on my server is as soon as it's thrown on the ground it disappears.
No errors or anything given, just thrown down and it vanishes.

13  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 14, 2011, 10:00:11 AM
Well, the Visualiser works perfectly on my server. So I think its the players not knowing how to use it :P

Yeah, that's more than likely the reason....
14  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 14, 2011, 03:04:33 AM
I have noticed a smoke grenade hangs around at round start also.
If a Smoke nade is thrown at round end and explodes near the end of the 30 second round end info, on start of next round the smoke is still there.

Also is the Visuliser broke for anyone else?
Several players have just told me "It don't work" (yeah great bug reports...), I have looked at log files but I don't see any lua errors listed.
So just wondered if any other servers had this problem (with latest SVN version).
If so I don't know if it's a TTT problem or prehaps something related to the broken string.lua file stuff in the last GMOD update.
15  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Rescricting times map played? on: February 14, 2011, 02:48:23 AM

Place into garrysmod/lua/autorun/server.
Defaults to blocking last 4 maps from being re-voted for (they still show in list, but they cannot be picked)
If you want to block more/less maps you can put sv_mapcooldown # into server.cfg (i.e sv_mapcooldown "5" to block last 5 maps)
16  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 11, 2011, 08:13:42 AM
I updated my server to latest TTT version (svn) and when a grenade is used I get disconnected from the server and this error is in my console.
"Host_Error: CL_CopyExistingEntity: missing client entity 23."
17  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 05, 2011, 08:27:01 PM
[gamemodes\terrortown\entities\entities\ttt_traitor_button\init.lua:103] attempt to call method 'TraitorUse' (a nil value)

Had that a few times in server console.
Was on map ttt_crummycradle_a4
18  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 04, 2011, 09:05:26 PM
NPCs seem to be ignoring spectators now :)
However another bug with C4, The C4 info on what wire is safe is not showing up on Traitor corpses now.
several traitor corpses checked after several C4s had been planted (and all 5 checked at round end), and not 1 of the Traitors had C4 safe wire info on them.
19  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Trouble in Terrorist Town - a GMod gamemode on: February 03, 2011, 02:41:00 PM
I have had a few complaints about a C4 problem.

Several players have said that if they find and disarm a C4, pick it up, take it to detective, drop the C4 for detective to DNA scan.
And another innocent comes along and arms the C4 for say 10 minutes, then trys to defuse it and it explodes.
The player that picked up C4 and dropped it for Detective gets blamed for the kills, not the innocent player that armed it then made it explode.

I thought at 1st this was just "an excuse" for their Karma ban.
However a lot of people have said same thing, including several of the servers "good" players.

So I am wondering is there a bug with C4, where the player who drops it is still classed as the C4 armer rather than the player who did arm it.

Also is it possible to have NPCs ignore spectators in TTT.
As in certain maps like the Zombie Master ones or a map like Artic Complex.
When a player triggers a spawn NPC event, the NPCs will go after players who are dead/spectator, and they usually find it fun to muck things up.
Or is this a GMOD problem that you can't do anything about?
20  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Polish TTT on: January 21, 2011, 02:43:29 AM
I get an error when adding the polish.lua file to my server.

02:39:41 L 01/21/2011 - 02:39:38: Lua Error: [gamemodes\terrortown\gamemode\lang\polish.lua:692] unexpected symbol near '.'
02:39:41 L 01/21/2011 - 02:39:38: Lua Error: [lua\includes\util.lua:114] ERROR PARSING CLIENTSIDE FILE: 'terrortown\gamemode/lang\polish.lua'
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