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News: Zombie Master 2 discussion

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1  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Your top 3 maps? on: October 22, 2011, 07:48:04 PM
2  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Current experience with TTT... on: May 28, 2011, 01:53:42 PM
I did get traitor a few times, but this is a few times out of about 4-5 hours of play time we are talking about; not to mention the times I've played before where basically the same thing happened. The example you gave, yes, I fucked up as traitor, that's why I didn't bring it up; it was an example of a good round I had. I honestly don't think that having a psuedo random system, though, would be that predictable, as other than keeping track of the traitor:innocent ratio people don't really check numbers in depth like that (hell, half the time they dont know it's only two left with all dead confirmed), but that's just me. I know that my experience so far is based soley on really bad luck, but that's the point I'm trying to make really.

I didn't really make this thread expecting things to change, it was more to vent some fustrations and see if anyone else has the same problems, or if the game just hates me. So far it seems to be the latter.

Oh and Bad King, your avatar is broken.
3  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Current experience with TTT... on: May 28, 2011, 05:06:24 AM
Alright, so I've been playing TTT for the last week or so, and while I think it's a great game mode, so far I've been having some serious issues with it.

My main problem with it so far is that the traitor selection is just way too random. I know that it has to be at least semi random so that they cannot be predictable to the innocents, but when you play through two and a half 20 round maps on a regular basis, and don't get traitor for even one of those 50ish lives, there is a problem. As much as I enjoyed the concept of the game, I swear to god I want to tear my eyes out when I see the color green at this point; where as other people on the servers were getting traitor 2 times in a row pretty consistently, sometimes playing traitor more often than innocent on a map.

My other issue with this game so far is the community in general, which I'm not going to spend too much time bitching about because there isn't anything bitching will do about it. But if anyone knows a server that has respectable people on it please let me know, because I'm already a bit tired of getting called out for bullshit reasons (as both innocent and traitor) and killed for things like "owning a shotgun" or standing still for 6 seconds to type, even before the match starts (or the other extreme of some other servers with having a pay4admin tard threatening to ban people when they are a traitor for 'rdming' them).

So yeah this is a bit whiney, but there really should be some more stability with picking traitors. I know that the game isnt in development anymore at this point, but honestly it feels needed to me. If I play another 4 hours of 'wait for someone to shoot me', I might loose it. I needed to post this somewhere, because this really is a great game concept, but that is one issue that is holding me off from taking a serious interest in it right now.
4  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Re: Invisible fire? on: May 24, 2011, 06:46:36 PM
Both posts noted, thanks.
5  Other / Trouble in Terrorist Town / Invisible fire? on: May 24, 2011, 04:09:20 PM
I was playing TTT for the first time yesterday, and while I was pissing off some people for being new (xenophobic bastards), out of the blue I heard the "I'm on fire" sound effects and died. After asking around a bit, I was finally told that someone shot me with a flare gun. The only problem with this is that I never saw any fire, or any 'flare' for that matter.

I kept playing for about an hour and started noticing that I can't see fire in this gamemode. I don't think it's a problem with Gmod specifically, because I've caught things on fire plenty of times while goofing off in single player. Has anyone else experienced this, or am I just shit out of luck here?
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