ABOUT: This is a STOOL addon that lets you spawn dummy versions of TTT weapons and ammo entities, which you can then manipulate with the physgun to position them. Their positioning can then be exported through the STOOL to a .txt in "/garrysmod/data/ttt/maps/". The text file will be named like "mapname_ttt.txt". If this .txt is put in the "/garrysmod/maps/" directory, then next time you load up the map in TTT, the weapons/ammo will be created exactly where you put it in Sandbox. Any existing weapon/ammo entities placed by the mapper will be removed. This means you can add weapons and ammo to maps that weren't made for TTT, like Counter-Strike Source maps, or rebalance the loadout on maps that do have guns but have them in bad spots. Make a server admin put it in his "garrysmod/maps/" directory on the server and everyone who plays there will be able to enjoy your fantastic weapon placements. Yay. INSTALL: Move the "tttweapons" directory into your "/garrysmod/addons/" directory. It should now be listed in your tools menu next time you load Sandbox mode in Garry's Mod.