Trouble in Terrorist Town GMod 10 (Fretta) gamemode *** Description: Disaster strikes in the Terrorist team! These plucky bomb-planting fighters have traitors in their midst who are looking to kill them all! But who are the traitors... and who will come out of this alive? *** Fretta: TTT is Fretta-compatible, which in this case means players get the chance to vote in order to switch to a different Fretta gamemode. If you run a server with only TTT on it, you can disable the voting by putting: fretta_voting 0 In your server.cfg file. This will pretty much make TTT act like a non-Fretta gamemode. *** Installation: Extract .zip contents into: X:\Steam\steamapps\your@account\garrysmod\garrysmod\ Or for a dedicated server: X:\srcds\orangebox\garrysmod\ So that you get a \garrysmod\gamemodes\terrortown\ directory, and several textures are placed under \garrysmod\materials\ (eg. \materials\VGUI\ttt\*). Only the server needs to manually install it. Clients will automatically receive the necessary files when they connect. *** Dedicated server (srcds) preparation: The gamemode _requires_ CS:S content to be installed. The Garry's Mod wiki has some information on this (and other srcds setup procedures) here: Note that in order to run the game in "Detective mode" (ie. extra detective- like gameplay elements such as hiding who died until the body has been found) you should enable GMod's ScriptEnforcer functionality. Without it, cheating will be very easy. The gamemode includes a ScriptEnforcer manifest file (which defines what scripts clients are allowed to run), so ideally all you should need to do is set sv_scriptenforcer to 1. *** Convars: (Scroll down for concommands) Something you should know to understand these settings: A round in TTT has the following phases: Preparation phase -> [1] -> Round is happening -> [2] -> Post-round phase. During the preparation phase players cannot hurt each other or destroy explosive props. It's a ceasefire situation while everyone gets a chance to spread out and gather items. At [1], the traitors are picked, and newly connected players will spawn as spectator. After this point the game is on, you could say. It keeps going until at [2] a victory condition happens: either the traitors win, or the innocents win, or the timelimit is reached. Then a moment of contemplation and review occurs in the form of the post-round phase. **** Round structure convars: ttt_roundtime_minutes (def. 10): The time limit for each round, given in minutes. ttt_preptime_seconds (def. 30): The length of the preparation phase that occurs after players spawn in and before traitors are selected and a new round begins. Specified in seconds. ttt_posttime_seconds (def. 30): The length of time after a round has ended before the next cycle of begins. The round report is displayed at the start of this phase. During this phase, stats/points are no longer tracked. Specified in seconds again. ttt_round_limit (def. 6): The max number of rounds until the map is switched (needs a mapcycle.txt). ttt_time_limit_minutes (def. 75): The max number of minutes until the map is switched (needs mapcycle.txt) **** Gameplay convars: ttt_detective_mode (def. 1): Enables a large set of gameplay elements that make the game more detective-like. Most importantly, when a player dies this is no longer immediately visible on the scoreboard. Rather, his body has to be found to confirm his death. ttt_traitor_pct (def. 0.25): Percentage of total players that will be a traitor. The number of players will be multiplied by this number, and then rounded down. If the result is less than 1 or more than the player count, it is clamped to those values. ttt_traitor_max (def. 4): Maximum number of traitors. Only increase for playercounts above 16 or so (which is what most TTT maps are made for). ttt_minimum_players (def. 2): Number of players that must be present before the round begins. This is checked before the preparation phase starts, and before the actual round begins. ttt_postround_dm (def. 0): Enables damage after a round has ended. Kills are not recorded for scoring purposes, so it's a free for all. ttt_dyingshot (def. 0): Experimental. Enables a feature that causes a player who is using his ironsights and is killed (by a gun, and not a headshot) to fire an inaccurate dying shot. **** Map-related convars: ttt_ammo_removed_pct (def. 0.0): Percentage of ammo items that will NOT be spawned. Increase this value to increase ammo scarcity, both for map-placed ammo and ammo in breakable creates. A value like 0.25 means 25% of all ammo will be removed. At zero it will have no effect. ttt_weapon_removed_pct (def. 0.0): Percentage of weapons that will NOT be spawned. Again, increase to reduce the weapons available to players. At zero it will have no effect. ttt_use_weapon_spawn_scripts (def. 1): Toggles whether weapon scripts will be used. These .txt files in the /maps/ folder can be used to override or add weapon, ammo and player spawnpoints in a map. This is very useful for CS:S or HL2DM maps. **** Traitor equipment credits convars: ttt_credits_starting (def. 1): Number of credits traitors start with. Traitors can spend credits on special equipment. ttt_credits_award_pct (def. 0.5): When this percentage of the innocent players are dead, traitors are awarded more credits. ttt_credits_award_size (def. 1): The number of credits awarded. ttt_credits_award_repeat (def. 0): Whether the credit award is handed out multiple times. if for example you set the percentage to 0.25, and enable this, traitors will be awarded credits at 25% killed, 50% killed, and 75% killed. **** Misc. convars: ttt_bots_are_spectators (def. 0): Bots are spawned as spectators and will never be traitor. Useful for sourcetv. ttt_debug_preventwin (def. 0, ie. disabled): Prevents the round from ending, useful for testing on your own, but little else. *** Concommands: ttt_roundrestart: Triggers the round to restart, will go immediately to a new round in the form of a new preparation phase. Requires GMod admin/superadmin status, or sv_cheats enabled. ttt_version: Prints current version number. ttt_print_traitors: Prints who are the traitors. Requires admin status, or RCON. ttt_print_adminreport: Prints who killed who. Requires admin status/RCON. ttt_print_usergroups: Prints everyone's usergroup, for debugging gmod admin status. ttt_dropweapon: Will drop your current weapon. By default the key that would open the GMod spawn menu (default: Q) instead performs this action. You can manually bind it to other keys using this concommand. ttt_spectate: Moves you onto the spectator team. You will not spawn as Terrorist until you use "ttt_spectate 0" to turn this off again. ttt_force_terror: Forces you to spawn as a Terrorist. Cheat. ttt_force_traitor: Forces your status to traitor. Cheat. ttt_cheat_credits: Gives you equipment credits. Cheat. *** Credits: Bad King Urgrain made this in 2009